Attributes of the Opal Crystal include enhancing cosmic consciousness and inducing psychic and mystical visions. It is also believed that the Opal Crystal stimulates uniqueness and dynamic creativity. Apparently the opal crystal is capable of picking up thoughts and feelings, then amplifying them and returning them to the source.
The psychological effects of opal crystal include the amplifying of traits and brining characteristics to the surface for transformation. Crystal experts also say that the opal crystal can enhance self worth and help you reach your full potential.
Emotionally the opal crystal is associated with love, passion, desire and eroticism, the seductive traits of the stone are said to intensify these emotional qualities.
Healing Fire Opal Crystal

The Fire Opal Crystal is an orangey red stone which is said to enhance personal power, awaken inner fire and protect against danger. Many also believe that the Fire Opal Crystal is a symbol of hope which is useful in business and as an energy amplifier. Other beliefs are that the fire opal crystal facilitates change and progress, often used when there are mistreatments or injustice. Fire Opal Crystal is said to be very good for letting go of grief and the past in general.
Having a sample of this gorgeous Fire Opal Healing Crystal will brighten up any crystal collection. With pretty rainbow sparkles, the fire opal healing stone is believed to stimulate new growth and ideas. The Fire Opal Healing Crystal is also said to encourage spontaneity and restore passion into those lives it has left.
Yellow Opal Crystal Tumble Stones

Use these stunning Yellow Opal Tumble Stones to brighten up your home and enjoy the benefits that they are said to hold. With the combination of healing powers and purity of all opal varieties, the yellow opal tumble stones are said to be able to fight infection and help the body to heal at the same time as removing energy blocks.
Each of the Yellow Opal Tumble Stones have been highly polished after they have been tumbled into shape, this brings out the full colours of the crystal beautifully. You can hold the yellow opal tumble stones in your hand carry it around with you or place it in a jar for decoration purposes.