Many people use the Seraphinite Crystal for meditation, the stone is said to be closely associated with spiritual enlightenment. The Seraphinite Crystal is often used for making angelic connections as well as opening the crown and higher crown chakras (energy points of the body).
Seraphinite Crystal promotes living from the heart with a gently cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love. People who experiment with outer body experiences use the Seraphinite Crystal to protect their physical body, seraphinite is also used for reviewing life progress, identifying any necessary changes to put you on the path to peace and fulfilment.
Seraphinite Crystal Healing
The stunning Seraphinite Crystal is said to be able to activate the spinal cord and is said to be linked to the etheric body, behind the heart, many use it to release muscle tension in the neck. Other uses of the Seraphinite Crystal include overcoming chills and promoting weight loss.
Seraphinite Products