The chakras, according to Hindu tradition, are located in seven areas of the human body. Energy flows through these areas and if the energy is blocked, illness may result. CrystalAge offers a wide range of crystal jewellery which will keep that energy flow properly attuned.
The Seven Chakras
First Chakra – Root – for stability and grounding.
Second Chakra – Sacral – for creativity, sexuality, and emotion.
Third Chakra – Solar Plexus – the centre of intellect and ambition.
Fourth Chakra – Heart – love, compassion, and emotional balance.
Fifth Chakra – Throat – expression and honesty.
Sixth Chakra – Forehead – spiritual awareness and psychic power
Seventh Chakra – Top of Head – represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually
Ten Stone Chakra Set
To keep your own chakras perfectly in balance, make use of this marvellous set of chakra stones, prepared in such a way that you will be able to cleanse, energize, and align your energy centres at any time. The chakra set comes with ten polished stones, each perfect for certain chakras, that feel good against the skin and will give you that boost you need.
If you want to learn more about chakras, you will enjoy Janelle Scialla’s guidebook, Chakras, Crystals, and Healing. This is an excellent guide to chakras and their crystals, and will teach you the basics of meditation. The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier is also essential reading. Learn all about the origins of chakras in the Indian tradition, and find out about auras and chakra balancing.