The Vivianite Healing Crystal is deep green or blue in colour and tarnishes on contact with the air, the crystals are formed as small, transparent or metallic clusters or blades and the places the Vivianite Healing Crystal is found are Germany, the United States and Brazil. These wonderous Vivianite Healing Crystals are considered a layered stone, useful for working on several levels at once. It is believed that the Vivianite Healing Crystal can clear veils from your eyes enabling true seeing if anybody has been hampering your vision. For those who have been through sheer tough times, the Vivianite Healing Crystal is said to help them come to terms with having seen the unseeable or unacceptable. Emotionally it is thought that the Vivianite Healing Crystal can be useful for uncovering deep feelings and things people deny themselves, it can also be great for revitalising a relationship.
Vivianite Healing Crystal

This sample of Vivianite Healing Crystal is a lovely token you can easily carry around with you or amaze the kids with by buying it for them. These colourful Vivianite Healing Crystals come from the U.S.A and are considered a powerful all-round healer. Vivianite Healing Crystals are said to focus and strengthen the mind which makes them useful for anybody with mental health issues. There are several colours in the Vivianite Healing Crystal, so it will also brighten your day, the ideal size to carry around in a pocket with you.