The gorgeous violet brilliance of amethyst looks wonderful in any home. It is believed to absorb negative energy and to fill the room with its own positivity. Try setting an amethyst cluster on your living room table or any room where people gather. Not only is it highly decorative it is said to clear and calm the energy of the room.
You could also consider quartz crystals for your home. Like amethyst, this is also used to bring vibrancy to the house.
As stated in our blog entitled Crystals In The Workplace, the energy of tourmalinated quartz (quartz with black tourmalene rods running through it) is said to bring both clarity and protection into one’s abode. A Selenite gypsum lamp can be used in a room where you want to keep the energy lively and is ideal for a treatment room if you work from home.
Crystal Energy at Home
If you are looking for something ornamental of a more recognisable shape, you will love our charming collection of crystal animals. If you’re an animal lover you’ll love browsing through our great range of crystal animal figures. You may also want to have a look at our sweet crystal hearts. Have them on their own, or in a line, or even filling a bowl.
A very popular little item is the energy dome. Small and discreet, they can be key areas in the home (or workplace). The benefit you want depends on the crystal you choose. Sulphur, carborundum, clear quartz, and amethyst energy domes are just a few suggestions and all are said to have clearing and calming effects on the surrounding space.
So, if your desire is to make your home beautiful, interesting, and brimming with positive energy, have a look at what CrystalAge has to offer.