It has been believed for centuries that crystals have healing powers and varying energies that can be used and projected onto others. There are many different types of Healing Crystal, of varying colours and shapes. Each healing crystal is placed on different parts of the body in crystal healing, or alternatively placed around the body to construct an energy grid, to remove blockages in the aura and the body’s electromagnetic field.
Vanadinite Healing Crystal

This beautiful Vanadinite Healing Crystal will add colour and interest to your home, originating from Morocco. The Vanadinite is thought to be exceptional at cooling and calming like no other crystal, it is believed that the Vanadinite Healing Crystal can reduce inflammation and fevers and is even used by healers to limit diseases such as cancer.
Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal

This striking example of Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal comes from Brazil and is used for protection against negativity and intent. The Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal is also thought to encourage neutrality and relieve stress, certainly a healing crystal that no collector should be without.
Sunstone Healing Crystal

Brighten your home with this vibrant Sunstone Healing Crystal from India, the Sunstone is considered to be a warm crystal with uplifting and therapeutic properties. This beautiful Sunstone Healing Crystal is also believed to be a mood lifter and anti-depressant, for those who have had failures and sadness in their lives the sunstone is beneficial in bringing luck and happiness.