Sharks continuously shed their teeth, some shedding approximately 35,000 teeth in a lifetime. Shark teeth are often the only part of a shark to survive fossilisation which is why Fossilised Shark Teeth are so popular. The teeth of sharks are not attached to the jaw but embedded in the flesh, until new ones are required and a conveyer belt type mechanism kicks in to replace the old teeth. Fossilised Shark Teeth are a fantastic item to keep, or give as a gift to someone special, one they can keep for all time.
Fossilised Shark Tooth on a Matrix

Keep your own little piece of history with this Flawless Fossilised Shark Tooth on a Matrix. Shark teeth fossilise very well and form great ornaments, this makes them a fantastic way to introduce children to natural history too. The impressive Fossilised Shark Tooth on a Matrix has been dated to at least 450 million years ago, before the dinosaurs or any land vertebrates existed, with modern sharks appearing around 100 million years ago. For anybody who is interested in marine life, sharks or natural history, the fossilised shark tooth on a matrix makes a very thoughtful and fascinating gift.
Other Fossilised Shark Teeth
Fossilised Shark Teeth

Sharks have an incredible history, given that they existed long before many plants and any land animals existed which is why a fossilised shark tooth is such a fantastic possession to own. These Fossilised Shark Teeth come in two approximate sizes, medium 35mm and large 60mm. The great thing is that these fossilised shark teeth are not expensive at all and look great in a crystal collection or when placed with other fossils.
14mm Moonstone Pendant Small Shark Tooth Point

You may be able to bring good health and fortune into your life with this gorgeous 14mm Moonstone Pendant Small Shark Tooth Point. The gorgeous blend of blue and green against the silver makes this pendant striking and truly stunning to look at. Moonstone is regarded as a guardian of women and the environment due to its feminine character, this is ideal to inspire flexibility and nurturing in times of difficulty. The 14mm Moonstone Pendant Small Shark Tooth Point is a one-off piece, so you know you have a unique beautiful item making the piece that little extra special.