Cat’s eye crystal is a fascinating stone that has become very popular due to its unique optical effects and beautiful shine. But what kind of crystal is cat’s eye?
Cat’s eye crystals are very attractive and are available in eight bright coloured tumblestones. These Cat’s eye crystals are produced synthetically, so it is important to know whether your crystal is natural or synthetic.

Cat’s Eye Crystal Healing Properties
Cat’s eye is a very positive stone with a wide range of healing properties. It is a traditional good luck stone, believed to protect its owner from disaster. Cat’s eye is also strongly associated with vision and the ability to see and think clearly. It is believed to encourage the ability to think far-sightedly. It is also associated with intuition, awareness, optimism and confidence. It is said to help you become more disciplined and focused in what you do. Thanks to all these qualities, cat’s eye is a wonderful crystal to have near you or wear as jewellery.