The beautiful Tiger Iron Crystal is composed of red jasper, tiger’s eye and black hematite, this creates varying bands of colour and the ideal material for jewellery items. Tiger Iron is mainly mined in South Africa and Western Australia and is a very warm coloured stone. Tiger Iron was only discovered relatively recently, the stone is said to inspire new ideas and help with the desire to move on from past events. The Tiger Iron is also thought to give strength to those who are exhausted as well as helping to find simple solutions to problems.
Tiger Iron Crystal Sphere
This gorgeous Tiger Iron Crystal Sphere is absolutely spectacular to look at, it contains layers of red jasper, hematite and tiger’s eye which makes for a warm and striking display. The swirls of brown, oranges and gold highlights, makes these Tiger Iron Crystal Spheres an inviting gift for anybody.
Tiger Iron Thumb Stone
Thumb stones are a great addition to any crystal collector, the polished shiny surface of the stone can be used to combat stress. When you hold this Tiger Iron Thumb Stone it is believed that positive energy is released, ensuring that good things come your way. Tiger Iron forms in a layered structure made of red jasper, hematite and tiger’s eye. You can choose a thumb stone by your birthstone or emotional qualities.
Tiger Iron Crystal Eggs
Crystal Eggs are great way to bring colour and emotional qualities into your home, the Tiger Iron Crystal Eggs are said to inspire new ideas and to give strength to people near it. If you have experienced troublesome or stressful events, Tiger Iron is a great crystal to have around it is said to help you move on from such difficulties.