Although we recommend you seek medical guidance for prolonged or severe pain or discomfort, we recommend the below healing stones as part of your home crystal healing kit. Each one has a unique, everyday healing property that is you will be glad to have at your fingertips as life’s little crises arise.

Emerald, the precious birthstone for May, is said to enhance your ability to live life to the full and with several notable healing powers, this is an essential stone for your healing kit.
It has the ability to help fight off infection, ease rheumatic disorder and detoxify the liver. Emerald can also enhance memory and if worn as a ring on the small finger of the left hand, this gem will also soothe sore eyes.
Emerald is very balancing and is reputed to help us to recover from dramatic upheavals in our lives. It is said to bestow harmony, unity and cooperation.

A member of the Quartz family, this beautiful purple gem is useful for those who lead a stressful work or life balance.
February’s birthstone is known to alleviate many conditions of the mind such as a headache or depression; it does this by helping you to relax. For this reason, Amethyst can also assist in overcoming dependency on chemical substances, such as smoking.
Healing amethyst can be used to release tension and relieve physical and emotional pain, even combating addictions.
Sunstone & Moonstone

These two stones are symbolically linked, and if carried together they will bring the protection of Sunstone into harmony with the peace of Moonstone.
By placing a sunstone in front of a white candle, you will spread protective energy, promote self healing, increase energy levels and improve organ functionality.
Wearing moonstone as a pendent is the most effective, and peaks during a full moon. It eases emotional stress and brings tranquillity to the wearer.

A cousin of Amethyst, Citrine has many distinct healing properties and is particularly effective in conjunction with meditation and yoga, either by holding it in your palm or in contact with the body somewhere.
Citrine will assist with pain reduction with digestive or urinal ailments. If this stunning crystal is kept under a pillow, it will help you sleep sound by eliminating any nightmares you may have.
This crystal is also believed to raise one’s self-esteem, combatting tendencies toward self-destruction. Citrine is good for overall emotional well-being.

The green, red spotted bloodstone is considered throughout history to represent the blood of Christ falling onto the green earth.
Aptly, it is a stone that aids circulation, reduces blood clots and can stop a nosebleed. The stone’s effects are said to be most effective when you lie on your stomach, with the stone on your back.
Bloodstone is calming and aids self-protection. In some crystal healing systems it is also considered a fertility aid.
Lapis Lazuli

Mined for over 4000 years, this powerful stone is one of the highest prized in Egypt, even appearing on the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun.
It’s healing properties relate to the sinus channels of the body, reducing lymph node swelling and boosting the endocrine system. For these reasons, Lapis Lazuli is great for treating throat and ear pain and infections.
Heated in warm water or sunlight, and gently rubbed across skin, Lapis Lazuli will also help to heal sties, insect bites and bruising.