What Are Chakras?
You might not know much about Chakras, but we are here to educate you in the World of Chakras, what they mean, what they are and how they can be used to benefit the mind, body and soul. Chakras have been recognised by Indian Hindu and Yoga teachings for thousands of years now, Chakras in very basic form are points of energy within the body. There are Seven Main Chakras, each linked to the nerve centres along the spinal cord, in addition to this there are several minor Chakras located throughout the rest of the body.
How Does The Chakra Stone Set Work?
The Chakra Stone Set is used to enhance chakra healing and to balance the chakras on a daily basis, improving your overall health and well being. This beautiful Chakra Stone Set set folds out into a hand sized pouch, so you can take it with you whether you are travelling, out for the day or going around to a friends house. The Chakra Stone Set works to balance the mind and body and ease away impurities.
What Stones Are Included In The Chakra Stone Set?

• Aventurine
• Yellow Calcite
• Carnelian
• Citrine Tumble Stone
• Blue Quartz
• Hematite
• Clear Quartz
• Quartz Point
• Red Jasper
• Rose Quartz
• Sodalite
• Amethyst
Large Chakra Stone Set with Pouch

A great way to start a crystal collection is with this Large Chakra Stone Set With Pouch. There are twelve crystals in the Chakra Stone Set, each one with different qualities to them, chosen for their relevant alignment to the seven main Chakras. You also get a wrap style pouch to keep your crystals safe and sound. The chakras are associated with specific energies, abilities and parts of the body and spirit which is why this makes a great gift for anyone in touch with themselves.
Very wonderful info can be found on web blog .