We all know drinking water is good for us. In fact we can barely open a health and beauty publication without being reminded about the ‘eight glasses a day’ recommendation. But what about drinking crystal water? Comparatively less has been written about this spiritually cleansing and fortifying drink. So what exactly is crystal water, how is it made and what benefits does it have on our health?
Placing crystals in water effectively charges the water with the energy of the crystals. For some, drinking water infused with crystals is empowering. Leaving quartz crystals in water is said to ionise the water and produce an excellent drink for healing. Unlike water from the tap which can be ‘polluted’, the high silica content of some crystals means the water keeps its structure which prevents it from becoming weak and polluted. Thus crystal water helps cleanse the mind and body more effectively than ‘conventional’ water.

Preparing Crystal Water

An Alternative Method

Which Crystals to Use?
It is important to know that only certain types of crystals can be used when making crystal water. In fact using some types of crystals may prove hazardous to your health. Plain rock or quartz crystals are the best type of crystallised stone to make this purifying type of water.
Crystals that contain copper should be avoided. This is because the copper might release some harmful impurities into the water. Crystals that comprise of copper properties include Azurite, Galena, Chalcopyrite and Malachite. Hematite should also be avoided as it is an iron-based stone, which could cause the water to rust. Follow the procedures correctly and stick to using plain rock crystals and you’ll soon be enjoying the unique benefits of drinking crystal water.