The Carnelian Crystal is a very warming stone, considered a grounding, anchoring stone, helping you stay in the current reality. People say that the Carnelian Crystal is great for restoring vitality and motivation, as well as creativity and stabilization. Interestingly the Carnelian Crystal has the ability to cleanse other stones, whilst psychologically it can remove the fear of death. In ancient times the Carnelian Crystal was used to protect the dead on the journey to the afterlife, whilst giving courage, motivation and success to the living. If you have experienced and struggle with abuse, the Carnelian Crystal is said to help overcome this, helping you to trust yourself and your own perceptions.
Carnelian Crystal Emotional Properties
It is believed that the Carnelian Crystal is a powerful protector against the following:
Carnelian Crystal Healing
Crystal healers believe that the Carnelian Crystal can help the following:
• Metabolism
• Reproductive Organs
• Fertility
• Overcomes Frigidity & Impotence
• Heals Lower Back Problems
• Rheumatism
• Arthritis
• Neuralgia
• Depression
• Regulates Bodily Fluids & Kidneys
• Accelerates Bone & Ligament Healing
• Stanches Blood
• Improves Absorption of Vitamins & Minerals
• Improves Blood Flow
Carnelian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring

Using this sweet little Carnelian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring you can see the full beauty of the Carnelian Crystal, thanks to the high polish on the stone. As this Carnelian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring has such a grand smooth finish, you can also use it as a stress stone by carrying it with you wherever you go. The Carnelian Crystal is said to be dynamic, fiery and passionate, capable of lifting emotions and improving libido. The Carnelian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring is approximately 40mm and is the birthstone for Cancer, Leo, Taurus and Virgo.