For centuries the natural twinkle, vibrant colour and incredible shapes of crystals have fascinated humanity. In fact the seemingly timeless fascination of crystals have meant that these abundant stones have generated their own spiritual awareness and, for many, are regarded as potent spiritual healers. If your love affair for crystal jewellery or penchant for crystal clusters and tumblestones comes with aspirations to visit crystal caves, or perhaps you merely want to learn more about the geographical origins of these incredible beautiful nature treasures, take a look at the following four most amazing crystal caves.
“From ancient times to the present day, quartz crystals have been a source of Light to mankind. Highly valued by spiritual leaders and healers as well as scientists, the unique attributes of quartz have played a key role in mankind evolutionary development,”
~ Baer, R “Windows of Light.”
Cueva de los Cristales, Mexico
Having been described as being the ‘Cavern of Crystal Giants’, the Cueva de los Cristales in Mexico really is a site to behold. This limestone cavern is situated in a remote area of northern Mexico, approximately an hour to the south of Chihuahua – a region already famous for its crystals. The cave wasn’t discovered until the year 2000 when two brothers came across it whilst drilling nearly 1000 feet below ground in the Naica mine.
This compelling crystal cave is now a top tourist attraction, which takes 20 minutes to reach by van down a twisting mine shaft. To add to the momentousness of the occasion when visitors arrive in the cave, a screen drops from the van’s ceiling and a Michael Jackson video is played.

Crystal Cave, Bermuda
Bermuda might be famous for its white sandy beaches and laid back lifestyle but is comparatively less well known for its astonishing Crystal Caves. If you happen to be in Bermuda then taking a trip to the Crystal Cave is an absolute must.
From rare crystal clusters clinging like a blanket of stars to the cave’s ceiling to delicate crystallised soda straws protruding from the walls, Bermuda’s Crystal Caves open up a whole new perception of the beauty and fascination of crystals.

Crystal Cave, Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park in the southern Sierra Nevada in California spans more than 400,000 acres of almost unrivalled beauty. Although as stunning and magnificent is the park in the open air, is its underground landscape.
With huge rooms, ornate marble and breath-taking crystal formations framing an exquisite subterranean stream, exploring Sequoia National Park’s Crystal Cave will be an unforgettable and treasured experience.

Reed Flute Cave, Guilin, Southern China
Known as the ‘Palace of Natural Arts’ this awe-inspiring cave in southern China comprises of a mesmerising labyrinth of limestone pillars, stalactites, stalagmites and crystals. The cave got its name because according to legend people believed that the reeds circling the cave’s mouth could be made into flutes.
One of the rooms is known as the ‘Crystal Palace of the Dragon King’ and, as you can imagine, is brimming with remarkable crystals shimmering in the underground grotto.