A truly beautiful crystal in every way is the Rhodonite Crystal, this salmon pink manganese metasilicate mineral occurs most often in huge or granular habits, it can also crystallize in tabular form with round edges. In addition to the usual rose red colour of the Rhodonite Crystal, it can also be a brownish red. Rhodonite Crystal was once mined in the Russian Ural Mountains, it is now found in Sweden, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, USA and Brazil. In meditation and dream work, the Rhodonite Crystal can enhance the clarity, depth and meaning of one’s inner experiences, this makes it easier to interpret dreams and visions. It is said that Rhodonite is a heart stone, which harmonises with others such as Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite and Rhodochrosite.
Rhodonite Drilled Tumble Stone

These colourful Rhodonite Drilled Tumble Stones are perfect for making necklaces and bracelets with, the smooth Rhodonite Drilled Tumble Stones are smooth to the touch and brighten up any accessories. You can use different coloured stones with the Rhodonite Drilled Tumble Stone, or buy several of the same stones. It is believed that the Rhodonite Crystal brings mutual understanding, strengthens friendships and helps to solve conflicts constructively.
Medium Rhodonite Crystal Sphere

Brighten your home quickly and easily with this impressive Medium Rhodonite Crystal Sphere, the warm pinks merge to make a marble effect texture and lift other colours in whichever environment you place it in. It is thought that by having this Medium Rhodnite Crystal Sphere around will help you to remain calm, clear and perceptive. Taurus is the birth sign for the Rhodonite Crystal, so it makes a particularly thoughtful gift for anyone born between April 21st and May 20th.