Crystal therapy utilises the natural energy present in healing crystals, matching their individual qualities to the corresponding body part or ailment which requires healing.
The molecules in every crystal constantly vibrate in their place due to the earth’s enormous physical and electromagnetic pressure that created them, rather than moving around freely as they do in other less condensed articles. It is these often intense vibrations which create the natural energy which provide the healing crystals used in crystal therapy with their healing properties.
There are many variations of crystal therapy, from the simple wearing of the right healing crystal (an ornament with benefits beyond the aesthetic), to crystal therapies involving the matching up of crystals with their corresponding Chakras (nerve centres along the spinal chord and other parts of the body).
Crystal Therapy & The Chakras
There are seven main Chakras running along the spinal chord from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and each is associated with different energies. For example, the Third Chakra is located at the solar plexus and is connected to the digestive system – the area most likely affected by stress – and also associated with the creativity of the mind. Apatite, Amber and Imperial Topaz are just three of the several healing crystals which positively impact upon the Third Chakra.
Each Chakra is associated with a specific colour and has a variety of similarly coloured crystals whose energy positively influences the associated physical and spiritual attributes of the corresponding Chakra. Crystal therapy works on a similar level to colour therapy, a very basic healing therapy which involves total immersion in the colour of the targeted Chakra.
Crystal therapy, however, involves a more specific approach. For example, the Fifth Chakra’s colour is blue and is located in the throat area near the base of the neck and is linked with the thyroid function and the body’s metabolic rate. Thus, healing issues with these particular bodily functions will require blue crystals such as Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli or Blue Lace Agate. The Fifth Chakra is also linked with communication and creativity, so blue coloured crystals applied to this Chakra will also positively influence these more spiritual aspects of the being human experience.

Energy Flow
Crystal therapy also involves healing between the Chakras, should there be a blockage of the flow of energy. This is an important distinction because blockages in the flow of energy through the Chakras and the whole body itself can hinder the crystal healing process, should the crystals be applied directly to a specific Chakra without first addressing the energy flow blockage.
The science behind the energy vibrations of the crystals and their relationship with the body’s Chakras is incredibly interesting. It’s a spiritual science which has been discussed by the likes of Plato and has been known to us as a species for many, many centuries, perhaps even as much as sixty thousand years according to certain archaeological evidence. Fads and trends come and go, but crystal therapy has remained with us throughout all this time as it is the very earth itself which offers us these healing energies that benefit both our bodies and our minds.