Many people believe that by using the summery warming carnelian beads you can be anchored in present reality, rather than dangerously living in the past. It is also said that carnelian is great for restoring vitality and motivation as well as stimulating creativity. Psychologically it is thought that carnelian beads can impart the acceptance of the cycle of life, making a fear of death disappear if it is present. People in ancient times used carnelian to protect the dead in the afterlife, using carnelian could also provide courage, promote positive life choices, dispel apathy and motivate you for success in business and personal matters. There is also a belief that carnelian beads or other forms is useful in helping to overcome abuse of any kind, helping you to trust yourself and your perceptions.
Carnelian Beads Healing
You can also use carnelian beads to heal, or so crystal healers say, it’s well worth a try. Metabolism can be stimulated, female reproductive organs influenced and fertility increased it is thought. Other healing benefits associated with carnelian are the overcoming of frigidity, impotence, lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It is also said that carnelian crystal improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, ensuring a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues.
Carnelian Beads