No man made object can convey the sheer amazement of what nature can form over millions of years, such beauty of Crystal Book Ends displays this in a dazzling way. As each bookend is a one off item, you know that you have your very own personal part of the Earths History in your own home. The layers in the one off crystal book ends show how over time and temperature, different crystals form in different ways, some into deep pools of dark stone and others into sparkling clusters. Whatever it is you would like to display using these one off crystal book ends, they could not have a more beautiful setting.
21cm Pink Agate Bookends

Enjoy the stunning mixture of colours in these Pink Agate Bookends, they will not only hold your books in place but also add superb decoration to your home. Due to the cut of the Pink Agate Bookends, the Agate crystal is displayed beautifully, in great detail of form. The central point of the Pink Agate Bookends is full of sparkling crystals, which contrast the hot cerise, with flash multi-faceted paler crystals. The colours and texture of the agate varies due to the heat and mineral content during the start of agate in volcanic rock. In addition to using these gorgeous pink agate bookends to hold books, you can also place them around CD’s, DVD’s or family photos.
15cm Blue Agate Geode Bookends

These gorgeous 15cm Blue Agate Geode Bookends are normally forged in the heat and movement of metamorphic and volcanic rock. The outstanding bands of colour add depth and vigor to your room, creating a central point of intrigue. The intense heat force crystals together, forming smooth Prussian blue of the geode, then cooler temperatures allow the more complex crystals to glitter in cavities.
25cm Amethyst Cluster Bookends

Delve into the unknown and admire it’s beauty with these victorious 25cm Amethyst Cluster Bookends. The Amethyst crystal is believed to absorb negative energy and create good vibes and great moods, so using these bookends could make you feel better as well as improving the decor of your living space. The luxurious jagged 25cm Amethyst Cluster Bookends will sparkle spectacularly in the light and can conveniently be placed in any room of the house.