If you want tumblestones that really stand out and add vibrancy to your home then look no further than cats eye tumble stone, these gorgeous stones have an iridescent glow to them hence where the name comes from. What’s more by having cat eye tumble stone nearby it is said to offer you insight and understanding. You can enjoy cat eye tumble stone in various colours, or buy several, which compliment each other. Having cats eye tumble stone in the home brings you the beauty of rocks, minerals and gemstones in a smoothed and polished state.
Cats Eye Tumble Stone Polishing
Many crystals including cat’s eye tumble stone are polished to bring out their full beauty and detail of crystal formation. The practice of polishing crystals has been carried out for thousands of years, associated with spiritual and healing properties.
If you want to experience vivid colouring and tranquil looks then try using or wearing Lapis Lazuli Beads which you can make into jewellery. Lapis Lazuli Beads are said to stimulate enlightenment and enhance dream work and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual journeying and stimulating personal and spiritual power. If you are stressed you could find Lapis Lazuli Beads will help release it, bringing you peace. It is also said that Lapis Lazuli Beads can recognise psychic attacks which they block and return to the sender, in addition to this lapis lazuli is associated with the reversal of curses and disease caused by not speaking out in the past.
Lapis Lazuli Beads Healing
You can use lapis lazuli beads for healing, it is said to be very good in helping migraines, overcoming depression, benefiting the respiratory and nervous systems, the throat, larynx, thyroid and other body parts. It has been reported that lapis lazuli can overcome hearing loss, purify blood and boost the immune system also, making it an invaluable crystal to have around.
If you are new to crystals or simply want to add to an existing collection, then crystal points are a great place to start. The majority of crystals form in naturally symmetrical points, hence crystal points, these can be polished or natural and are believed to be tools for focusing energy. Crystal Points are also sometimes used as healing wands, you can buy crystal points in many different crystals, each with their own attributes associated with them.
Crystal Points Polished 75mm Rutilated Quartz
75mm Rutilated Quartz Polished Point
Combining superb natural quality with beautiful internal complexities, this 75mm rutilated quartz crystal point will look great on any mantelpiece. Featuring fine strands of rutile and internal lines of bright tone, this crystal point looks magical when near a light source. In addition to decoration, the 75mm rutilated quartz crystal point can also be used for crystal healing and collecting. Rutilated quartz is said to merge the cleansing power of clear quartz with a sense of strength and authority. Depression is also said to be lifted when using rutilated quartz, great for those who find disaster after disaster in their lives. If you are searching for a special gift for somebody special then the 75mm rutilated quartz crystal point could be perfect, it is a one-off item making it a unique beauty.
7.5cm Manifestation Quartz Crystal Points
7.5cm Manifestation Quartz Crystal Point
With this striking 7.5cm Manifestation Quartz Crystal Point you can dress up any living room cabinet, bedroom, bathroom or other room of the house. The clarity of this crystal is exceptional and the manifestation which has occurred is when a quartz crystal is totalled enclosed by a larger quartz crystal. Manifestation Quartz is the rarest shaman stone, believed to have the purest vibration of all quartz crystal. Said to bring the ultimate mental clarity, this manifestation quartz crystal point can be used for emotional healing and shamanic meditation.
Many people use Kunzite Beads for making jewellery such as earrings and necklaces, the pale yet lively colours of Kunzite Beads uplift outfits, whilst brightening the mood. Kunzite Beads are said to have high vibration, believed to be capable of awakening the heart centre and assisting with unconditional love. Those who like to meditate but find it difficult can use Kunzite Beads to help more effective meditations, considered a protective stone, Kunzite crystal works on the individual as well as the environment.
Kunzite Beads Characteristics
Those who have grown up too quickly for one reason or another may find Kunzite Beads a useful healer and is thought to bring back lost trust and innocence. Many believe that psychiatric disorders such as depression can be helped by using Kunzite due to the lithium content, this is said to be particularly effective when taken as an elixir.
Kunzite Beads Healing
Crystal healers use Kunzite for strengthening the circulatory system and heart muscle, it is also thought to be useful for conditions which affect the nerves. Epilepsy and joint pain is said to be improved by using Kunzite crystal and it is also said to neutralize the effects of anaesthesia.
Many people use New Jade Crystal or Serpentine as it is otherwise known as to aid them in meditation and general spiritual exploration. It is said that psychologically new jade crystal can help you to feel more in control of your life, correct mental and emotional imbalances and assist the conscious direction of healing energy. People also use new jade crystal to cleanse and detoxify the body and blood.
New Jade Crystal Healing
It is said that new jade eliminates parasites, helps calcium and magnesium absorption and treats hypoglycaemia and diabetes.
Light green serpentine or new jade is also called the infinite stone, this is closely associated with angelic guidance and is believed to be a gentle stone. Those who use light green new jade say that it can access and integrate the past present and future, many use the stone for past-life exploration, promoting compassion and forgiveness.
New Jade Crystal Products
New Jade Crystal Beads Twist OvalNew Jade Crystal PyramidNew Jade Crystal Thumb Stone
The beautiful Blue Calcite Crystal is said to be a gentle stone, used for recuperation and relaxation. Many people believe that Blue Calcite Crystal can lower the blood pressure and dissolve pain on all levels, making it a very useful crystal to have around. It is also widely thought that Blue Calcite Crystal can be responsible for soothing nerves and lifting any anxieties, releasing negative emotions that can be associated with them. You can use the Blue Calcite Crystal on the throat chakra for help with clear communicating and it is also said to absorb energy, filter it and then return it to benefit the sender.
Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone
Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone
Holding this pretty Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone is said to soothe away any stress you may have, allowing you to feel the energy from the crystal. The Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone has been tumbled and as a result is very smooth and easy to carry around with you. This Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone makes an excellent gift for a loved one or somebody else that you feel would benefit from better communication and less stress.
Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand
Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand
With this gorgeous Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand, it is said that you can enjoy relaxing and recuperation. The massage wand is a great way to soothe trapped nerves and release tension and stress from the body and mind. Each of the Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wands have been shaped and polished which reveals the soft colours and depth of the crystal. In addition to massaging with the Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand, you can also use it for meditation.
Peridot Crystal is a stunning green crystal, also known as Chyrysolite, Olivine which in ancient times was believed to keep away evil spirits. Peridot Crystal is often used as a powerful cleanser said to release and neutralise toxins on all levels. It is said that Peridot Crystal purifies the subtle and physical bodies as well as the mind, opening, cleansing and activating the heart and solar plexus chakras, whist releasing old baggage. Crystal healers say that Peridot Crystal can clear burdens, guilt and obsessions, it teaches that holding onto people or the past is counterproductive. Some use the peridot crystal to help understand their destiny and spiritual purpose, assisting you to move forward.
Peridot Crystal Psychological Benefits
Using Peridot Crystal it is said that you can alleviate jealousy, resentment, spite and anger as well as reducing stress levels. Peridot Crystal is good for those who need to forgive themselves for their past actions or experiences that they may be wrongly blaming themselves for and is said to be attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.
Peridot Crystal Mental Effects
Sharpening of the mind and opening to new levels of awareness are closely associated with the peridot crystal. Lethargy is also said to be banished whilst anything you have neglected either consciously or unconsciously is brought to attention. Peridot crystal is great for helping to take responsibility for your own life, rather than holding yourself back by wasting time blaming those around you.
Peridot Crystal Healing
It is said that peridot crystal has a tonic effect, healing and regenerating the tissues which is great for healing after injuries. Metabolism is also said to be strengthened, whilst the skin benefits fantastically. The heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers and eyes are also said to benefit from using peridot crystal. If you place some peridot crystal on your abdomen, giving birth is said to be made easier by your muscles being strengthened, making contractions less painful which surely has to be worth a try.
Peridot Crystal Products
Peridot Crystal Tumble StonesPeridot Crystal Energy DomePeridot Crystal Healing Crystal
You can pretty much place the Smoky Quartz Crystal anywhere, particularly around the base chakra. Some people place smoky quartz crystal under their pillow, by telephones or on geopathic stress lines. Other people like to wear smoky quartz crystal in pendants and other items of jewellery. In order to dispel stress, you can try holding smoky quartz crystal in your palm and simply sit quietly for a few moments. Or to dissolve pain, you can place the smoky quartz crystal on the point that hurts.
Smoky Quartz Crystal Power Bead Bracelet
Smoky Quartz Power Bead Bracelet
This special Smoky Quartz Crystal Power Bead Bracelet is believed by crystal healers to combine the healing that is associated with clear quartz with a grounding and protective energy. It is believed that with this Smoky Quartz Crystal Power Bead Bracelet you can relieve pain, strengthen your spine and help general back problems. Other claims in regards to this Smoky Quartz Crystal Power Bead Bracelet are that it can act as an anti-stress tool and mild anti-depressant. The balancing faun appearance of the Smoky Quartz Crystal Power Bead Bracelet will go with any outfit.
Large Smoky Quartz Crystal Cluster
Large Smoky Quartz Crystal Cluster
Another way of bringing the smoky quartz crystal into your life is with this Large Smoky Quartz Crystal Cluster. The jagged yet stunning cut of this Large Smoky Quartz Crystal Cluster beautifully displays the smoky quartz crystal in a natural state. This Large Smoky Quartz Crystal Cluster can be used to dampen electromagnetic stress and is also thought to block geopathic stress.
The Bismuth Crystal is a brittle metal with an incredible iridescent oxide to it, this displays a various array of rainbow colours which will brighten any space. Bismuth Crystal is also characterised by the spiral staircase structure of it which is a result of a higher growth rate around the outside edges than on the inside. Beautiful colours which are displayed through the Bismuth Crystal come about because of the variations in thickness of the oxide layer, causing varying wavelengths of light which interferes with reflection.
Bismuth Crystal Specimen
A great way to impress people with your crystal collection, or the start of one is with this Bismuth Crystal Specimen. You can enjoy shimmering iridescent colours with the Bismuth Crystal Specimen and you can buy it in small, medium or large. Either set the Bismuth Crystal Specimen by itself to dazzle, or use other crystals to compliment it. If you can bear to give it away then you can give this Bismuth Crystal Specimen to a friend or relative as a gift that they are bound to appreciate.
One of the crystals I find fascinating is the Phenacite or Phenakite Healing Crystal, this fairly rare crystal has one of the highest crystal vibrations discovered to date. Crystal healers say that the Phenakite Healing Crystal connects personal consciousness to a high frequency, this is said to enable information from that space to be translated to the Earth. The energies of the Phenakite Healing Crystal are said to only be available to those who have prepared themselves by shifting their personal vibration to a higher level.
Phenakite Healing Crystal & Chakras
The Pehnakite Healing Crystal is believed to have a strong connection with all of the chakras (energy points in the body), imparting knowledge on how to deal and activate them. Said to stimulate the third eye which is believed to be between the eyes in the middle of the forehead, the higher crown chakra is said to be enhanced with inner knowing. Depending on where it was mined the Phenakite Healing Crystal appears to have varying properties.
Healing With The Phenakite Healing Crystal
Phenakite is believed to activate healing from the etheric body to the physical, healing the etheric blueprint when necessary as a prerequisite for physical healings. It is said that the Phenakite Healing Crystal has the power to amplify the energy of other healing crystals too.