Natural Point Crystals are used in crystal work to harmonise the energies that they are thought to hold when in contact with you, they also make beautiful ornaments for the home. Each Natural Point Crystal is unique, in the exact natural form that crystals are formed which make them extra special. The Natural Point Crystals are incredibly cheap to buy, so are a fantastic way to start or add to a crystal collection. Natural Point Crystals come in various sizes and each crystal has its own set of attributes.
Small Natural Citrine Point

Enjoy the natural shape in which Citrine is formed with this Small Natural Citrine Point Crystal. This point is six centimetres long and is thought to energise, bring warmth and happiness. The Citrine crystal is also believed to be great for emotional wellbeing and attracting abundance, you can use it for directing energy, meditation or just to enjoy the benefits by keeping it near to you. Each Small Natural Citrine Point is unique, so you know you have something very special.
Small Natural Amethyst Point

The Amethyst crystal has a lovely soothing energy to it, a highly versatile stone which is believed to heal the body and mind, cleansing the aura and good for pain relief. The gorgeous purple colour of these Small Natural Amethyst Point Crystals is a very relaxing tone to have near to you and creates a great sense of calm.
Medium Citrine Natural Point

You can use these pretty crystals to energise and heal, the Medium sized Citrine Natural Points are thought to aid creativity and development in addition to attracting all forms of abundance. Citrine is a great crystal for boosting self esteem and is believed to eliminate self-destructive behaviour, fantastic for all round emotional health.