If you’re stuck for ideas for Christmas Gifts, here’s an ideal solution to help fill Christmas Stockings, Table and ‘Secret Santa’ Gifts. These can be used as a key ring, handbag charm, zip puller or mobile phone dangle. There are 12 different stones representing 12 positive life words i.e. Love, Meditation, Faithful Love, Wisdom, Protection, Healing, Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Recuperation, Willpower & Understanding.
Also available individually with Zodiac birthstones:
See our recently added Speciality Crystal Palm Stones. We, at Crystal Age, have sourced some of the best ones and photographed them individually for you. Choose from Amethyst, Picture Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Seraphinite, Mookaite and many more besides.
Our palm stones and thumb stones make it easy to find the right healing crystal. These polished gemstones are designed to fit comfortably into your hand and can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under your pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use them for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes. Palm stones are larger while thumb stones are smaller and have an indentation for your thumb. You may also like our tumblestones, which are very tactile and great for crystal healing.
We have just added rare Shattuckite Polished Tumblestones. Each piece individually photographed so that you can choose your favourite stone.
Speciality Tumblestones
Discover a world of beautiful crystals with our speciality tumblestones. These tumblestones feature rare and hard to find crystals that are ideal for collecting or crystal healing. These stones have been created by tumble-polishing natural crystal pebbles. The result is a bright polish and tactile shape that really shows off the colour and structure of the stone. We also have a huge choice of standard tumblestones and drilled tumblestones that can be hung on a cord.
The pink colour of rhodochrosite crystal makes it one of the most attractive healing crystals but it is also one of the most positive stones. This crystal has a wide range of healing attributes and it is a wonderful crystal to have in your home or wear as jewellery. Here at Crystal Age we have a great choice of rhodochrosite crystals including healing stones, beads and a wide range of rhodochrosite jewellery.
Rhodochrosite Healing Crystals
You can use rhodochrosite healing crystals for a wide range of healing applications including laying crystals on the skin and meditation or simply placing them around your home. Rhodochrosite is strongly aligned with the heart chakra, Anahata. It is believed to improve almost every part of your physical and emotional wellbeing and is very versatile. On an emotional level, rhodochrosite is believed to encourage love and compassion for all beings. It is a very optimistic crystal and has a mood lifting effect. Rhodochrosite is said to help us express our feelings in relationships and friendships, as well as encouraging selfless behaviour. On a physical level it is believed to boost overall good health. It is particularly recommended for conditions of the respiratory system and heart. Rhodochrosite is often used to treat high blood pressure, poor circulation and asthma.
Rhodochrosite Tumble StonesRhodochrosite Palm Stone
Rhodochrosite Crystal Ball
Rhodochrosite Crystal Jewellery
Wearing rhodochrosite jewellery is a great way to benefit from its healing powers. And of course it is a very beautiful stone, so it makes wonderful jewellery and gifts. We have a great choice of rhodochrosite crystal jewellery including the three pieces seen below. Please click through to see our full range.
Fluorite is a beautiful crystal with a great range of healing properties. There are many uses for fluorite crystal, as its healing powers encompass the physical and spiritual spheres. Fluorite is found in many different colours but most commonly occurs in shades of green and purple with clear bands. Many different colours can be found in the same stone, making it a very attractive crystal for jewellery and carvings.
Fluorite crystal is believed to cleanse and stabilise the aura, while absorbing and neutralising both stress and negative energy. It is associated with clarity and believed to function as a learning aid – it can be used to increase concentration, self-confidence and good decision making. It is said to encourage positivity, balance different energies and improve balance in both an emotion and physical sense. On a physical level, fluorite is believed to boost the immune system and stimulate cell regeneration, particularly for skin, respiratory system and self-healing. It is said to strengthen bones and alleviate nerve-related pain. This means that is can be very useful for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, spinal injuries and shingles.
Extra Grade Fluorite Crystal Palm StoneFluorite Crystal Sphere
Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Heart
Blue Sky Fluorite Crystal
Blue sky fluorite is a rare variety of fluorite found only in the USA. It has many additional healing properties and affects all the chakras. Blue sky fluorite is said to clear the Throat chakra and support the Heart chakra. Because its primary alignment is with the head, throat and heart chakras, blue sky fluorite has a lightness to it that is ideal for transformational and ascension work. When someone is feeling overwhelmed, confused or depressed, blue sky fluorite is believed to clear away the mental clouds, bringing clarity, inner expansion and a fresh outlook. It is associated with optimism and enlightenment, making it a wonderful crystal for your personal spiritual journey.
Blue Sky Fluorite Crystal 80mmBlue Sky Fluorite Crystal 75mm
There are some crystals that are valued for the way the look, some for their mysterious origin and some for their healing abilities. Moldavite crystal has all three and it is a fascinating stone for anyone interested in crystals and minerals. It is a glassy mineral whose colour resembles the green glass used to make bottles. For this reason it was once called Bouteillenstein by local people who did not know where it came from.
Moldavite was actually formed as the result of a giant meteorite impact approximately 15 million years ago. Most of the meteorite(s) fell over the Vltava River (called the Moldau in German) near the town of Moldauthein in the Czech Republic. The cosmic origin of moldavite crystal was first suggested by F.E. Suess, who realised that the characteristic pitted surface resembled the surface of some meteorites. Suess deduced that moldavite was a special type of meteorite, which he called tektites.
Healing Attributes of Moldavite Crystal
Moldavite has many healing attributes and it has been used as a good luck amulet stone since the Stone Age. It is aligned with a Heart chakra and believed to protect the heart on an emotional and physical level. It is highly vibrational and is said to act as a catalyst for changes in your emotional and spiritual journey through life. Moldavite is often recommended for inner journeys and it is believed to both expand the consciousness and help us to awaken to our highest destiny.
All crystal jewellery give you the benefit of the stones but magnetic hematite jewellery is an especially good choice for pain relief and health problems. Magnetic hematite is believed to have a powerful healing and pain relieving effect, thanks to the magnetic field that surrounds the stones. The magnetic flux is believed to reduce inflammation and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. It is recommended for poor circulation and by stimulating blood circulation, magnetic hematite is believed to revitalise the whole body. Magnetic hematite jewellery is also said to give gentle but effective pain relief and help your body to eliminate toxins. These benefits make magnetic hematite very useful for healing a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, asthma, kidney problems and chronic pain.
Our Magnetic Hematite Jewellery
Here at Crystal Age we have a great choice of magnetic hematite jewellery. A bracelet is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to wear magnetic hematite. You can wear your magnetic hematite bracelet on the side of the body that is in need or healing and they come in a choice of stylish designs. Magnetic hematite should not be worn by anyone with a pacemaker or by pregnant women.
Green Magnetic Hematite BraceletCats Eye Magnetic Hematite BraceletBarrel Magnetic Hematite BraceletBeaded Magnetic Hematite BraceletPearl Magnetic Hematite Bracelet
At CrystalAge.com we have a great choice of healing crystals including many rare and hard to find stones. We pride ourselves on being able to source the best healing stones from around the world, including many crystals that you may not be able to find in most crystal healing stores. There are many unusual healing crystals that are hard to find but have very useful healing properties that you can use to heal specific issues. In this post I will highlight two of these stones: vanadinite and phenakite. Both crystals are quite hard to find but have unique properties that make them very useful to crystal healers.
Vanadinite Healing Crystals
Vanadinite vibrant crystal that occurs in a range of deep orangey red colours. It is unusual because although it is strongly aligned to the navel chakra, Swadisthana, it has a very cool, calm energy. Crystals aligned to Swadisthana typically have a warm and passionate energy, so vanadinite offers you a unique combination of Swadisthana energy and cool tranquillity. This cooling energy can be used to heal both the body and spirit. Vanadinite is believed to reduce inflammation and fevers, returning the body to a peaceful state. It can bring peace and inner stillness, while also energising the lower chakras as centres of Prana.
Phenakite Healing Crystals
Phenakite is a beautiful crystal with a pale colour similar to quartz. It is found in many different locations but Russian phenakite is said to be particularly powerful as a healing crystal. Phenakite is aligned with the crown and upper crown chakras and has a very spiritual energy. It is believed to aid with deep meditation and even inner-dimensional travel. Phenakite is also considered very cleansing and purifying for physical, intellectual and ethereal bodies.
There are hundreds of different healing crystals so I have decided to focus on two of the most popular types of healing stones: amethyst and quartz. These stones are two of the most important healing crystals and they have a wide range of healing applications. Any stone can be used for healing but here at CrystalAge.com we have a special range of healing stones to help you get started. All the stones in our Healing Crystals Selection are small and relatively inexpensive, so they are ideal for starting your collection or experimenting with new types of crystals.
Amethyst Healing Crystals
Amethyst is a beautiful crystal and it has a powerful range of healing energy. It is known as a very soothing healing crystal that can be used on almost any part of the body and spirit. Amethyst is believed to cleanse the body of ailments and soothe pain, giving your body the chance to heal. It is used to relieve pain and soothe inflammation, fever and infection. The healing power of amethyst also extends to the mind. Its soothing qualities are said to create a tranquil, spiritual environment in which spiritual development and psychic work can take place. It is powerfully aligned with Ajna Chakra and is also believed to relieve stress.
Vera Cruz Amethyst Healing CrystalDragon Egg Amethyst Healing Crystal
Green Amethyst Healing Crystal
Quartz Healing Crystals
Quartz is without question the most important of all healing crystals. It is used to channel healing energy and can also focus, amplify, store and transmit energy. Clear quartz is considered powerfully healing and cleansing but all the different varieties have their own attributes. Below are some of the most beneficial and our full range of quartz healing crystals includes some very rare and hard to find crystals.
Palm stones are polished crystals with a huge range of uses and I am pleased to announce that we have a brand new range of speciality palm stones here at Crystal Age! The new range of palm stones includes individually selected stones of superior quality. Each palm stone has been hand picked for its unique quality, beauty and provenance. Palm stones are oval stones that fit into the palm of your hand. They can be displayed, used as a focus during meditation, placed on the body for crystal healing or used in any way you wish as part of a healing practice.
Speciality Rhodochrosite Palm Stones
We have eight beautiful rhodochrosite palm stones starting at £29.99. Rhodochrosite is a wonderful crystal that appears in a range of pink colours, with distinctive wavy patterns and creamy markings. In crystal healing, rhodochrosite is a stone of health and compassion. It is believed to encourage optimism, universal love and selfless behaviour. On a physical level it is believed to benefit the respiratory system and heart, blood pressure, poor circulation and asthma.
Speciality Seraphinite Palm Stones
Seraphinite is a wonderful crystal and we have 8 seraphinite palm stones, also starting at £29.99. Seraphinite is so called because of its feather-like patterns, which were compared to the wings of seraphs, a type of angel. This crystal is associated with spiritual enlightenment, letting go of illness and communication with higher energies. It is said to cleanse the aura and have a strengthening and balancing effect on all seven chakras.