Many pendants can look similar to each other but that is not true of crescent pendants, these make a refreshing change of style and are a rare design of pendant. The moon shape of crescent pendants adds a cosmic touch to any outfit and look great with a number of other designs and accessories. These gorgeous crescent pendants are made from various gemstone crystals, each with a different colour and attribute associated with it. There are three types of crescent pendants that you can currently choose from and they make lovely gifts.
21mm Cherry Quartz Crescent Pendants
21mm Cherry Quartz Crescent Pendant
This beautiful 21mm cherry quartz crescent pendant can be worn to add warming colour to any outfit, boasting a rich pink rose shade. The cherry quartz crescent pendant will suit all skin tones and looks gorgeous under the light. Cherry quartz is said to heal emotional wounds and encourage spiritual growth.
21mm Tiger Eye Crescent Pendant
21mm Tiger Eye Crescent Pendant
If you like neutral tones you’ll love this pleasant 21mm tiger eye crescent pendant, with rich woody brown tones. The crescent moon shape of the pendant suits the polished tiger’s eye crystal very well and is thought to bring courage, strength and the cunning of a tiger to whoever wears it. Tiger-eye is also believed to give confidence and good health to those who use it, you can even buy it as a special treat for a loved one to bring them good fortune.
21mm Purple Quartz Crescent Pendant
21mm Purple Quartz Crescent Pendant
Another quartz crescent pendant you can choose is the purple quartz which has a lovely calming effect with whatever you wear it with. This beautifully made purple quartz pendant is a gorgeous shade of magenta and can be worn with a simple chain on its own or with other crystal jewellery. The benefits of wearing this purple quartz pendant are said to be cleansing and healing of the body and mind.
Many people use the Seraphinite Crystal for meditation, the stone is said to be closely associated with spiritual enlightenment. The Seraphinite Crystal is often used for making angelic connections as well as opening the crown and higher crown chakras (energy points of the body).
Seraphinite Crystal promotes living from the heart with a gently cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love. People who experiment with outer body experiences use the Seraphinite Crystal to protect their physical body, seraphinite is also used for reviewing life progress, identifying any necessary changes to put you on the path to peace and fulfilment.
Seraphinite Crystal Healing
The stunning Seraphinite Crystal is said to be able to activate the spinal cord and is said to be linked to the etheric body, behind the heart, many use it to release muscle tension in the neck. Other uses of the Seraphinite Crystal include overcoming chills and promoting weight loss.
To add a luxurious touch to your outfits, Crystal Pendants are a great way to impress and make you look fabulous. Crystals are widely believed to hold certain benefits to the wearer, whether it be to promote happiness, increase calm or bring good luck, a Crystal Pendant is a great way to behold these benefits as it will be with you all of the time you are wearing or close to it.
Amethyst Square Crystal Pendant
Amethyst Square Crystal Pendants
This lovely rich coloured Amethyst Pendant will give an edge to your outfit. The crystal has a great richness to it and looks great against the striking silver that surrounds it. Amethyst is a healing crystal and is said to bring balance to life and be soothing to the mind, helping to achieve spiritual wisdom. This Amethyst Square Crystal Pendant is a one-off piece, so you will know you have a unique Amethyst Crystal Pendant.
Astrophyllite Wedge Crystal Pendants
Astrophyllite Wedge Crystal Pendant
Enjoy the immaculate detail in this Astrophyllite Wedge Crystal Pendant. The camouflage type pattern means that you can wear Crystal Pendants like this with any item of clothing. The Astrophyllite crystal is a grounding crystal and is believed to bring peace and protection as well as improved self esteem. This Astrophyllite Wedge Crystal Pendant is a one-off piece, so what you see is exactly what you will get.
Carnelian Silver Rim Oval Crystal Pendant
Carnelian Silver Rim Oval Crystal Pendant
Brighten up your day and look with this marvellous bright glowing Red Carnelian Oval Crystal Pendant. Enclosed in a luxurious shiny silver rim, the deep Carnelian Crystal looks great with a variety of fabrics and will add depth to your style. The Carnelian Crystal Pendant is believed to bring passionate energy and renew the spirit.
To ensure you are wearing a pendant that will compliment your outfit, this gemstone pendants set is ideal. Gemstone Pendants have been worn for the benefits they are believed to bring to the wearer for many years. The sleek silver frame neatly holds a choice of nine different gemstones.
Gemstone Rings Set
Different Types of Gemstones for Your Pendant
The following energy crystals are included with this beautiful set
Green Aventurine Gemstone Pendant
The Green Aventurine gemstone stands for harmony, so pop this into your gemstone pendant when you need a little balance in your life and Fen Shui.
Aventurine Gemstone
Hematite Gemstone Pendant
To encourage survival and courage. This gemstone protects and strengthens will and increases self awareness. The Hematite gemstone is also believed to help blood flow, the nerves and stress relief so is perfect for those days you might feel a little fragile. Other benefits of wearing the Hematite gemstone pendant include encouragement of inner reflection and further development. Hematite has high iron content and is used in treatment of anaemia as well as circulatory conditions. It’s also a good idea to wear this particular pendant is you have a fever, as Hematite draws off heat. Hematite is the birthstone for Aries and Aquarius.
Hematite Gemstone
New Jade Gemstone Pendant
New Jade Contrary to what one might think Jade actually comes in six different colours: yellow, red, back, white, purple and of course green. This good luck crystal is thought to be detoxifying, cleansing and purifying. Illness is believed to be healed through using New Jade and it can also be used for alleviating pain.
Jade Gemstone
Obsidian Gemstone Pendant
This shiny crystal can be your gemstone pendant when you need some grounding and protection. Restoration of integrity and rooted spiritual energy is thought to come to the user. Fear as well as other negative energies is believed to be dissolved as well as pain, therefore this is recommended for anxiety, addiction and stress. Obsidian is the zodiac for Capricorn.
Obsidian Gemstone
Quartz Gemstone Pendant
Quartz is arguably the most popular and important crystal when it comes to healing. This crystal is used to transmit, cleanse and channel clarification. Use this crystal when you want to focus the mind or make decisions. There are many different types of quartz: Faden quartz, Lazulite quartz, Elestial quartz, Tibetan quartz, Rutilated quartz, starburst quartz, smoky quartz, Tourmilated quartz and Harlequin quartz, all with varying energies and benefits.
Quartz Gemstone
Red Jasper Gemstone Pendant
This warm stone is said to help control emotions and sooth the nerves. Wearing the Jasper gemstone in your pendant is thought to be very nurturing and can be found in many colours. The red jasper stands for passion, energy and positive vibes. If your sex drive needs a little kick to it, wearing red jasper just might help you out. As well as strength and dream recalls, the red jasper gemstone is also said to detoxify. Red jasper birthstones are Aries and Leo.
Jasper Gemstone
Rose Quartz Gemstone Pendant
When for looking or enhancing your love life, the rose quartz gemstone is the one to place in your pendant. This harmonious and compassionate crystal can also encourage friendship and kindness for others. Conditions such as stress and insomnia are said to be combated by using the supportive crystal rose quartz. Interestingly rose quartz is also said to block electromagnetic stress, particularly from our modern friend computers. Rose quartz is zodiac for Taurus and Libra.
Rose Quartz Gemstone
Sodalite Gemstone Pendant
This beautiful crystal is great for communication as it is aligned with the throat chakra and calmness. Joy is thought to come to the heart and minds are cleared when using the gemstone sodalite. Wear sodalite in your gemstone pendant when you are participating in teamwork, the crystal encourages inspiration in a community situation. Metabolism is also meant to be aided by using Sodalite. The zodiac sign for Sodalite is Sagittarius.
Sodalite Gemstone
Tiger Eye Gemstone Pendant
For confidence, power and cunning of a tiger, wear the tiger eye gemstone in your pendant. Tiger Eye is believed to be beneficial for the digestive system. In addition to tiger eye, there are also gold and blue tiger eyes. Gemstone Pendants have a magic quality and beauty to them, you will always have something to match your outfits too.