Many pendants can look similar to each other but that is not true of crescent pendants, these make a refreshing change of style and are a rare design of pendant. The moon shape of crescent pendants adds a cosmic touch to any outfit and look great with a number of other designs and accessories. These gorgeous crescent pendants are made from various gemstone crystals, each with a different colour and attribute associated with it. There are three types of crescent pendants that you can currently choose from and they make lovely gifts.
21mm Cherry Quartz Crescent Pendants

This beautiful 21mm cherry quartz crescent pendant can be worn to add warming colour to any outfit, boasting a rich pink rose shade. The cherry quartz crescent pendant will suit all skin tones and looks gorgeous under the light. Cherry quartz is said to heal emotional wounds and encourage spiritual growth.
21mm Tiger Eye Crescent Pendant

If you like neutral tones you’ll love this pleasant 21mm tiger eye crescent pendant, with rich woody brown tones. The crescent moon shape of the pendant suits the polished tiger’s eye crystal very well and is thought to bring courage, strength and the cunning of a tiger to whoever wears it. Tiger-eye is also believed to give confidence and good health to those who use it, you can even buy it as a special treat for a loved one to bring them good fortune.
21mm Purple Quartz Crescent Pendant

Another quartz crescent pendant you can choose is the purple quartz which has a lovely calming effect with whatever you wear it with. This beautifully made purple quartz pendant is a gorgeous shade of magenta and can be worn with a simple chain on its own or with other crystal jewellery. The benefits of wearing this purple quartz pendant are said to be cleansing and healing of the body and mind.