To encourage unconditional love, rose quartz beads and other forms of rose quartz is a great crystal to use, the peaceful tone and attributes of the crystal is considered the most important heart crystal. Using rose quartz beads is said to purify and open the heart at all levels, bringing deep inner healing and self love. Many use rose quartz beads in a trauma or crisis, in order to calm and reassure. Rose Quartz Beads can also attract new love, simply by placing rose quartz by your bed or a corner of your home, it is believed to encourage relationships towards you. Existing relationships are said to be strengthened by using rose quartz, restoring trust, harmony and unconditional love. You can use rose quartz beads for mid life crisis as well as any other time when things get on top of you.
Rose Quartz Beads Healing
You can use rose quartz beads in crystal healing to make the heart stronger so crystal healers believe, other areas it is said to help are the circulatory system, helping to release impurities from body fluids. If you place rose quartz beads on the thymus, it is said that you can help chest and lung problems, kidneys, adrenals and vertigo are also said to be healed with rose quartz. Rose Quartz is also rumored to increase fertility, soothe burns, smooth the complexion and help Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Senile Dementia.
Rose Quartz Beads Products
Here are some of the different shapes and sizes of rose quartz beads that you can purchase.