Some people place turquoise howlite crystal beneath their pillows, it is said to help you sleep, being an excellent antidote to insomnia. So if you know anybody with an overactive mind then it could be worth buying them some turquoise howlite crystal to calm it down, it can also be used as an elixir, sipped an hour or so before bed. Those who practice in outer body experiences could also find turquoise howlite crystal helpful, as well as preparing the mind to receive wisdom and insight. People suffering from short temper or uncontrolled anger could also find turquoise howlite crystal very beneficial in combating these states of being.
Protection Turquoise Howlite Crystal Bracelet

Brighten up your look effortlessly with this stunning Protection Turquoise Howlite Bracelet, complete with sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea coloured beads. You can buy the Protection Turquoise Howlite Bracelet for a loved one, or to somebody you think could do with the calming attributes associated with it. In addition to calming, the Protection Turquoise Howlite Bracelet is also believed by many to heal and strengthen those who use it.
Turquoise Howlite Crystal Pyramid

Placing this Turquoise Howlite Pyramid in your home will undoubtedly brighten and refresh your space. The gorgeous splash of colour can be enjoyed in any room of the house, from the bedroom or lounge to the bathroom or hallway. Howlite crystal is well known for cleansing and purifying, turquoise howlite is no different, aligned with the higher chakras turquoise howlite is also believed to be able to help with communication. It is said that if you place turquoise howlite pyramids around the home, the energy inside can be released.