If you want to enjoy a relaxing and gentle massage, a great way to do so is with a Crystal Massage Wand. The crystal massage wand works to calm and relax the mind, body and spirit and to transmit warmth and energy. You can relieve muscular tension and stimulate points within the body with using crystal massage wands. There are a variety of crystal massage wands to choose from, each with varying qualities that are believed to bring positive energies to the user. You can choose a crystal massage wand by birthstone, colour or for the particular benefits that they behold.
Clear Quartz Crystal Massage Wand

The dazzling beauty of this Clear Quartz Crystal Massage Wand is plain to see, carved from quartz for its pure tone, clarity and exceptional grade. These wands have been polished to reveal an exquisite crystal formation, revealing rainbows within. Quartz is believed to have a cleansing healing energy which is great for the mind and body. Traditionally quartz is used to enhance and transmit energy, ideal for meditation as well as soothing healing massages.
Amethyst Crystal Massage Wand

The Amethyst Crystal is a beautiful relaxing shade of purple which ranges from lavender to deep wine tones, amethyst is aligned with water signs of the zodiac. These gorgeous amethyst crystal wands have been wonderfully crafted and are considered a master healer. Amethyst is thought to boost the immune system, heal the body and relieve pain so is a great crystal massage wand to use. The bereaved are also believed to benefit through using amethyst as it brings comfort and peace and is also good for psychic and spiritual development.
Moss Agate Crystal Massage Wand

The traditional Moss Agate Crystal is a balancing, calming and detoxifying crystal, also great for healing and pain relief. You can unleash the crystals attributes by massaging the crystal wand into the affected areas if you are experiencing pain, stress or blockages. The lovely deep emerald green of the Moss Agate Crystal makes it a beautiful crystal to have around , with the smooth texture and glassy shine of the agate peeking through.
Rhodonite Crystal Massage Wand

This spirited pink crystal Rhodonite has been beautifully crafted to be used for massaging. The Rhodonite crystal is thought to encourage mutual understanding and is also believed to strengthen relationships, bringing constructive solutions to conflicting situations. The gorgeous colour of the Rhodonite crystal also makes it great to be used as decor and for meditation purposes.