This pretty Sphalerite Crystal is often used for healing purposes, sphalerite-zinc blende crystal originates from Spain. Although Sphalerite Crystal gets its name from the Greek word for deceitful and is meant to be useful in helping us recognise which people are in that way inclined. Children and crystal collectors alike would benefit from this small piece of Sphalerite Crystal and it comes with a full description of the properties it is believed to have.
Sphalertite Crystal Associated Attributes
It is widely believed by crystal experts that the sphalerite crystal possesses the following attributes:
• Fills the body with golden light
• Protects those in the public eye
• Alleviates homesickness
• Imbues a feeling of ‘lightness’
• Encourages physic & spiritual development
• Aids meditation & visualisation
• May help to uncover deceit or treachery
Sphalerite Crystal Appearance
In addition to the translucent brown crystal, you can also find the sphalerite crystal in a metallic version, this strain has a similar powerful energy, more connected to the Root Chakra (energy point) rather than the Earth Naval & Solar Plexus Chakras.
Crystal healers use Obsidian Crystal to disperse fear, shock and energy blocks, the dark black colour of Obsidian Crystal matches well with any coloured clothing and accessories. As Capricorn is the birth sign for Obsidian, any type of Obsidian Crystal gift makes an excellent birthday gift for those born between December 21st and January 19th. There are many types of Obsidian Crystal products from gemstone jewellery to Obsidian Buddha statues and smooth polished palm stones. In addition to the traditional Obsidian Crystal you can also get a speckled variety called snowflake obsidian crystal.
Obsidian Crystal Chip Bracelet
Obsidian Crystal Chip Bracelet
Wear this lovely Obsidian Crystal Chip Bracelet to create an edgy look, no matter what the occasion. Featuring dark Obsidian gemstones, this pretty bracelet is comfortable to wear, with a flexible elastic band that the gemstone chips have been threaded onto. It is widely believed that Obsidian Crystal can root spiritual energy, with the power to dissolve negative energy.
Obsidian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring
Snowflake Obsidian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring
This sweet Obsidian Crystal Disc Fob Key Ring can be easily carried around with you to keep your keys together, whilst giving you a stylish edge. In addition to a key ring you can also use this delightful piece of obsidian as a stress stone, simply holding it when you feel the tension, due to the smooth polished finished it is thought that this can calm you down. The speckled effect of the Obsidian Crystal is called snowflake and this is formed when obsidian starts to crystallise with small inclusions of grey feldspar. Snowflake obsidian is said to be very good for the circulation, making it a great gift for those who suffer with blockages.
Jasper Gemstone is known as being the “supreme nurturer” by many crystal experts, it is said that Jasper Gemstone can sustain and support us during times of stress, bringing tranquillity and wholeness into our lives. Jasper Gemstone is often used in healing and is believed to unify all aspects of a person’s life. It is also said that Jasper Gemstone reminds people to help each other in need.
Jasper Gemstone Healing
People who use Jasper Gemstone for healing believe that it supports the circulatory, digestive and sexual organs. In addition to this jasper gemstone is also said to balance mineral content of the body, thought to be useful when used as a gem elixir as this is not considered to over stimulate the body.
Blue Goldstone Crystal is a gorgeous copper speckled crystal which looks fantastic in both sunlight and artificial light. Some people think that the sparkles in the blueness represent the light that can be found in darkness, resembling the sky and reminding you to reach for the stars. You can use Blue Goldstone Crystal during meditation sessions, or carry it around with you wherever you go. Copper in itself is said to be helpful in areas of inflammation and helping to increase blood flow, this makes Blue Goldstone Crystal great for those who suffer from bad blood flow and inflammations of any kind.
Blue Goldstone Crystal Chip Bracelet
Blue Goldstone Gemstone Chip Bracelet
With this pretty Blue Goldstone Crystal Chip Bracelet you can add a casual hint to your look, whilst enjoying the subtle blue of this Goldstone bracelet. Blue Goldstone crystal is a gemstone which is associated with aiding communication and is even said to help with astral travel. Blue Goldstone Crystal has copper particles within it which create a complimentary shimmering effect when the light hits it, many crystal healers believe that the copper can generate warming pain relief.
Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone
Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone
You can use this smooth Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone to ease stress by simply holding it in your palm. The copper particles in the Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone compliment the dark blue goldstone beautifully, resulting in a dazzling effect. Blue Goldstone is aligned with the throat chakra, Vishudda and is primarily used on a spiritual and astral level. In addition to using Blue Goldstone Crystal for yourself, you can also buy it as a gift for somebody else, to add to or begin a crystal collection.
The beautiful Blue Calcite Crystal is said to be a gentle stone, used for recuperation and relaxation. Many people believe that Blue Calcite Crystal can lower the blood pressure and dissolve pain on all levels, making it a very useful crystal to have around. It is also widely thought that Blue Calcite Crystal can be responsible for soothing nerves and lifting any anxieties, releasing negative emotions that can be associated with them. You can use the Blue Calcite Crystal on the throat chakra for help with clear communicating and it is also said to absorb energy, filter it and then return it to benefit the sender.
Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone
Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone
Holding this pretty Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone is said to soothe away any stress you may have, allowing you to feel the energy from the crystal. The Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone has been tumbled and as a result is very smooth and easy to carry around with you. This Blue Calcite Crystal Thumb Stone makes an excellent gift for a loved one or somebody else that you feel would benefit from better communication and less stress.
Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand
Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand
With this gorgeous Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand, it is said that you can enjoy relaxing and recuperation. The massage wand is a great way to soothe trapped nerves and release tension and stress from the body and mind. Each of the Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wands have been shaped and polished which reveals the soft colours and depth of the crystal. In addition to massaging with the Blue Calcite Crystal Massage Wand, you can also use it for meditation.
The Crystal Ball is believed by many people to be an aid to clairvoyance, otherwise known as a shew stone. Celtic tribes, namely the Druids priesthood were one of the earliest peoples to use the crystal ball. After the druids who were known to exist as early as 2000 BC, seers, wizards, sorcerers and other types of fortune tellers used the crystal ball to see into the past, present and future. There are many types of crystal ball available, with each having specific attributes according to which type of crystal it is.
Amethyst Medium Crystal Ball
Medium Amethyst Crystal Sphere
This marble effect Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere is a beautiful crystal accessory to have around the house, believed to contain a soothing energy which is said to help with healing. The high polished finish of the Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere will add beauty to any room you place it in, the amethyst medium crystal sphere is considered to be spiritually helpful for development and releasing emotional trauma, unhealthy thoughts and behaviour patterns. As the Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere is circular, energy is thought to be able to be released in all directions.
35mm Quartz Crystal Ball
35mm Quartz Crystal Ball
Another way to enjoy the stunning magic and aesthetic beauty of a crystal ball is with this pretty 35mm Quartz Crystal Ball. It is thought that with this gorgeous crystal you can see the past, present and future, simply by gazing into it, this has been practised since 2000 B.C, said to have originated from the Celtic druids. The practice of looking into the past, present and future in this way is called Crystallomancy, often used to bring concepts into focus. Also said to cleanse the mind and spirit the Quartz Crystal Ball is believed to channel energy and reveal the truth in all.
Peridot Crystal is a stunning green crystal, also known as Chyrysolite, Olivine which in ancient times was believed to keep away evil spirits. Peridot Crystal is often used as a powerful cleanser said to release and neutralise toxins on all levels. It is said that Peridot Crystal purifies the subtle and physical bodies as well as the mind, opening, cleansing and activating the heart and solar plexus chakras, whist releasing old baggage. Crystal healers say that Peridot Crystal can clear burdens, guilt and obsessions, it teaches that holding onto people or the past is counterproductive. Some use the peridot crystal to help understand their destiny and spiritual purpose, assisting you to move forward.
Peridot Crystal Psychological Benefits
Using Peridot Crystal it is said that you can alleviate jealousy, resentment, spite and anger as well as reducing stress levels. Peridot Crystal is good for those who need to forgive themselves for their past actions or experiences that they may be wrongly blaming themselves for and is said to be attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.
Peridot Crystal Mental Effects
Sharpening of the mind and opening to new levels of awareness are closely associated with the peridot crystal. Lethargy is also said to be banished whilst anything you have neglected either consciously or unconsciously is brought to attention. Peridot crystal is great for helping to take responsibility for your own life, rather than holding yourself back by wasting time blaming those around you.
Peridot Crystal Healing
It is said that peridot crystal has a tonic effect, healing and regenerating the tissues which is great for healing after injuries. Metabolism is also said to be strengthened, whilst the skin benefits fantastically. The heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers and eyes are also said to benefit from using peridot crystal. If you place some peridot crystal on your abdomen, giving birth is said to be made easier by your muscles being strengthened, making contractions less painful which surely has to be worth a try.
Peridot Crystal Products
Peridot Crystal Tumble StonesPeridot Crystal Energy DomePeridot Crystal Healing Crystal
With Unakite Crystal it is believed that you can balance the emotions and spirituality. Unakite Crystal is also said to provide grounding which can be very useful when meditating or carrying out psychic work. Some people use Unakite Crystal as a casting crystal for scrying, to signify where compromise and integration are required. Unakite Crystal is most commonly used with ten or twelve other suitable stones to find divinatory meanings. If you collect tumblestones then these should be kept together in a bag, then one stone can be selected at a time and a question asked, or alternatively a handful which can be cast onto a scrying wheel.
Unakite Crystal & Divinatory Meanings
The following crystals have traditional meanings associated with them, these are used to find fast answers to questions. All you do to find the divinatory meaning answers is to place all of the required crystals into a bag, focus on your question, then pick out a crystal at random. To define your answer, look up the meanings associated with that particular crystal and you will have an answer. If you happen to pull out multiple stones, then it just means you have a more complex answer, so look into the meanings of all of them.
A life change and shift in consciousness. Faithfulness in love, freedom from jealousy.
Worldly success or a pleasant surprise. Good health, wealth and long life. Particularly lucky for people connected with the land.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate
Healing is required
Black Agate
Black Agate
Needs and will find courage and prosperity
Red Agate
Red Agate
Health and longevity are yours
Unpleasant surprise, unlikely to be an illness
Red Jasper
Red Jasper
Pay attention to earthly affairs
Future growth and expansion are possible
A letter is on its way
Celestial wisdom is advising you
Diamond or Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz
Permanence. Business advancement. If the crystal loses its sparkle, betrayal
Fertility or a secret admirer. If colour pales, love is fading
New opportunities await
Needs and will find immortality and perfection
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Divine favour is yours
Be sure to clarify issues you asked about and those that arise
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Love and self-healing are needed and will come
Snow Quartz
Snow Quartz
Profound changes are coming
Power and passion, good fortune and friendship, but beware of strangers
Truth and chastity and the past will catch up with you
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian
End of challenging time
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger Eye
All is not as it appears to be
Unakite Carved Dragon
Compromise and integration
Death or endings. If the crystal lose its brilliance, an unfaithful lover
The deep and mysterious Almandine Garnet is considered a regenerative healing stone, said to encourage strength and stamina. Those who use the Almandine Garnet are supported in taking time for themselves, enjoying deep love and are said to be aided in integrating truth and an affinity with the higher self. Almandine Garnet is also said to open the higher mind and initiate charity and compassion, making a great gift for those you know who could do with a little more sensitiveness.
Almandine Garnet Healing
Using Almandine Garnet for crystal healing is thought to open the pathway between the base and crown energy points, or chakras. In turn spiritual energies are believed to channel and be grounded into the physical body, anchoring the subtle body into physical incarnation. The Almandine Garnet is said to help to absorb iron in the intestines, stimulate the eyes and treat the liver and pancreas.
Tibetan Quartz Crystal is from the Tibetan and Chinese Himalayas and occurs in single and double terminators and sometimes has ‘black spot’ occlusions within the crystals. It is said that the Tibetan Quartz Crystal carries the resonance of Tibet and esoteric knowledge that has existed there for a long time.
Crystal healers believe that this knowledge can be attuned to when meditating with Tibetan Quartz Crystal, after which it can be used instinctively in healing and spiritual practices. It is also said that the Tibetan Quartz Crystal accesses the Akashic Record which relates to the black spot occlusions within some of the crystals. Tibetan Quartz Crystal is said to have a strong centre energy which passes into the body and personal self, bringing deep healing and energizing of the subtle bodies.
Due to the appearance of the Tibetan Quartz Crystal, it is closely associated with clarity, wisdom and focused energy. The Tibetan Quartz Crystal is recommended for experienced crystal healers and works well when used as a wand or control crystal.
Small Tibetan Quartz Crystal Natural Point
Small Tibetan Quartz Crystal Natural Point
With this gorgeous Small Tibetan Quartz Crystal Natural Point you can enjoy the qualities of clear quartz and the grounding effect that black hematite within it is said to behold. The Small Tibetan Quartz Crystal Natural Points are considered powerful tools in healing and chakra work. The Small Tibetan Quartz Crystal Natural Point is often used to draw energy to the energy points of the body, energy to the crown and base of the spine are specifically focused in this way.