Crystals in the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records features many interesting facts and figures about crystals, from the largest ones ever discovered to incredible record-breaking works of art.

World’s Largest Alexandrite

The largest cut alexandrite weighs a whole ounce or 28.38 grams to be precise. That’s 141.92 carats, measuring 34.42 x 27.38 x 15mm. All we know about the owner is that they’re Japanese and obviously rather fond of the rare alexandrite crystal, which is a powerful stone aligned with the Heart Chakra.

Oldest Spider Trapped In Amber

Amber has been used in crystal therapy for thousands of years, being associated with health and pain relief, but due to it starting out as resin from a conifer tree, it’s also been pretty handy at preserving bugs for millions of years. The oldest spider trapped in amber was discovered over a decade ago in Lebanon and has been dated between 125 and 135 million years old.

The World’s Largest Agate Crystal

One of the most popular crystals is agate which comes in various colours each with their own metaphysical qualities. The largest agate crystal was verified by Chinese authorities in 2009 and measures in at a whopping 22.62 cubic metres. That’s a little shy of 3 metres long from top to bottom.

141.92 carat Alexandrite
141.92 carat Alexandrite
World's Largest Crystal Skull
World’s Largest Crystal Skull
Largest Opal Crystal
Largest Opal Crystal

The Biggest Amethyst Geode In The World

Talking of large crystals, how about an amethyst geode that weighs 13 tonnes! The world’s largest amethyst is on display in the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Natural History in China. Amethyst crystals are aligned with the Third Eye Chakra and are believed to be a powerfully spiritual stone, perfect for meditation and expanding consciousness.

Largest Black Opal

Opal crystals occur in a wide range of varieties and each has its own set of crystal healing attributes, all associated with uplifting energy and connected to all the Chakras. A black opal discovered in the wonderfully named Lightning Ridge in New South Wales, Australia, weighs 80 ounces, which is upwards of 11,340 carats. It’s the largest black opal ever discovered.

Most Crystals on a Wedding Dress

How many crystals would it take to make a wedding dress? The answer is an astonishing 45,024. The most crystals on a wedding dress record was achieved in 2011 by Turkish company Özden Gelinlik Moda Tasarim Ltd who took five days to prepare it. It’s an absolute bargain too at £12,900.

World’s Largest Crystal Skull

Carved from a single block of smoky quartz, which is a brown or black variety of quartz associated the Root Chakra and used in crystal healing therapies to relieve stress or anxiety, the world’s largest crystal skull weighs approximately the same as a sumo wrestler (158kg or 348lb). It is named Colossus and was created by renowned Brazilian skull carver Leandro, who is currently offering it for sale for between £70,000 and £105,000.

Largest Crystal In(side) the World

The world’s largest single crystal is, surprisingly, beneath your very feet. Many geologists currently believe the earth’s inner core to be a giant single crystal. A ball of mostly iron residing at a toasty 6000°C, the immense pressures present at the earth’s interior mean the inner core is solid and not liquid. The crystal theory has developed further due to the behaviour of the seismic waves that travel through the earth’s layers. Its mass is about three quarters the size of the moon, a little over 1500 miles across, so it’s probably not entirely suitable for use as a healing crystal.

World's Biggest Amethyst
World’s Biggest Amethyst
Spider in Amber
Spider in Amber
Most Crystals on a Wedding Dress
Most Crystals on a Wedding Dress

What is Hematite?

Hematite Specimen
Hematite Specimen

Although it can come in varying colours, Hematite is perhaps most well known for its silvery-black hue that makes it one of the most intriguing of minerals. Found worldwide, hematite means bloodlike, so-called because of the red colour of its powdered form and the rust-red streak that sometimes occurs within its various types.

Hematite possesses high iron content. The ancient Greeks associated iron with the god of war, Mars. Soldiers rubbed hematite all over their bodies before battle as a way of strengthening themselves.

Today, many crystal users regard hematite as a way of grounding and protecting oneself. Hematite is thought to be ideal for overcoming compulsive behaviour such as an addiction. It has a reflective quality that is believed to reflect away negative energy, which in turn helps to clear and re-align lower (base) Chakras. It is the birthstone of those born under Aries and Aquarius.

CrystalAge knows how popular hematite is and offers an incredible range of hematite jewellery: beads, pendulums and bracelets – even crystal charms!

Hematite Crystal Gifts

Keep the negative energies of the world at bay with the Hematite Willpower Crystal Charm! With negativity safely reflected away, you can concentrate on personal development and strengthening your determination. A great gift, this charm looks wonderful when hung on a handbag, jeans, luggage, or mobile phone.

A beautiful addition to any home, the Hematite Carved Sitting Buddha Statue shows off the attractive qualities of shining hematite as well as encouraging optimism and combating stress. Have this little fellow by your bedside or at your desk at work as a decorative conversation piece as well as to take advantage of its grounding properties.

Bold and masculine, the Magnetic Hematite Bracelet is not only stylish but also widely considered to be an excellent way to improve circulation and remove toxins. The magnetic properties of hematite are believed to help the body produce endorphins which combat pain and improve blood circulation.

Hematite Crystal Charm
Hematite Crystal Charm
Hematite Carved Sitting Buddha
Hematite Carved Sitting Buddha

Magnetic Hematite Bracelet
Magnetic Hematite Bracelet

How To Use Tumblestones

If you’ve ever seen a bowl of small, smooth coloured stones in a friend’s house, you may have wondered what they are and what they’re used for. These are tumblestones. In this blog we will give you a brief overview of what tumblestones are and how they are used.

What Is A Tumblestone?

Tumble Stones
Tumble Stones

• Each tumblestone begins as a rough stone. Any stone or crystal can be selected.

• The stones are put in tumbler – a rubber-lined barrel machine which spins it around at a slow, constant rate.

• Various grades of grit and sand along with water are put in with the stones; the process of tumbling takes about three weeks.

• Eventually the stones are smoothened to what we call tumblestones.

How Are Tumblestones Used?

Many people want to know what tumbled stones are used for. Most commonly, they are used as decoration around the home or in the garden. They also assist in healing and other metaphysical pursuits such as feng shui.

• Using various colours of polished stones in a dish or bowl is very attractive, and looks fantastic if placed in a clear vase.

• Tumblestones also look wonderful as jewellery. Try putting your favourite tumblestone inside one of our spiral holders to make a pendant.

• By placing various healing stones in places around the home, it is said that you will create a positive vibration in your environment.

• Protection stones such as amethyst can be placed at the openings of your home. Black tourmaline arranged in a grid pattern around the house, garden or meditation area is believed to protect and also to transform negative energies.

• Many crystal users set psychically enhancing stones such as agate in a grid on the floor in their mediation area to augment their experience.

• Holding a polished stone such as angelite or lepidolite while meditating can help to achieve a level of serenity.

Bowl of Tumble Stones
Bowl of Tumble Stones

Crystal Healing Grid
Crystal Healing Grid

Our Top Crystals for Love

Here at CrystalAge, we know how important it is to have a healthy love life! First of all, you want to attract love. Once you’ve found it, you want to hold on to it. Not always easy! So, because we’re in a romantic mood, we present to you our top crystals for love.

Rose Quartz Hearts
Rose Quartz Hearts

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is known as the ‘love stone’ and the crystal of unconditional love.  This lovely soft pink crystal is said to help you to learn the importance of loving yourself and how to accept love from another person.

Rose Quartz tenderly reminds you that you are worthy of love and that love is not far away. You’ll want Rose Quartz with you at all times; our drilled Rose Quartz hearts are ideal for making your own pendants.

Malachite Heart Pendant
Malachite Heart Pendant


Beautiful green Malachite is believed to offer protection and relieve pain. With the colour of a deep green sea, the patterns in this stone help to swiftly wash away painful memories and clear the way for new love.

If you’re a fan of Malachite try sleeping with the crystal on your heart chakra to cleanse yourself of doubts and fears. Our Malachite Howlite Two Stone Heart Pendant can also be worn close to your own heart so that you can benefit from the powers of this handsome stone at all times.

Aventurine Crystal Heart
Aventurine Crystal Heart

Green Aventurine

For confidence and self esteem that will aid you in attracting love into your life, Green Aventurine is an inspired choice. Known as the stone of love and luck, this is another green mineral that is useful to carry with you or to have at your bedside. Not only is it believed to create harmony and love in your life, it is also said to attract abundance.

What better way to keep this stone’s favour with you at all times than with the Green Aventurine Crystal Heart? Keep it in your pocket, car, or shelf at home and live the adventure of Aventurine!

Larimar Pendant
Larimar Pendant


Larimar is said to be a powerful healer and a superb stone for attracting a soul mate. Larimar radiates love and peace and encourages communication in relationships. Wear gorgeous green Larimar every day and watch to see the new friendships you attract.

The Silver & Larimar Pendant is just one way to benefit from the crystal’s beloved properties. Its dreamy turquoise colourings make for a truly beautiful piece of jewellery in its own right.

Morganite Diamond Ring
Morganite Diamond Ring


Morganite is said to attract love and also to nurture it. Believed to have a stress-relieving effect and a happy energy, fans of Morganite love to use it in a variety of ways during crystal healing. Not only that, Morganite encourages loving thoughts and actions that in turn help you to have a stress-free life.

Enjoy Morganite in the form of the Morganite & Diamond White Gold Ring! This beautiful combination of stones will make you feel special and loved.

Black Tourmaline & Crystal Healing

Black Tourmaline is harvested in locations like  the Himalayan mine in   California and is renowned for its use in crystal healing. It is a fantastic gem to have with you as it is said to dispel negativity. Some people like to hold it when they are feeling angry or upset, believing that it absorbs and transmutes those negative emotions into positivity.

Uses for Black Tourmaline

As stated in our Crystals For The Home blog, Black Tourmaline is often used around computers, flat screen TVs, microwaves – anything that emits EMF (electromagnetic radiation). Many people like to attach small pieces of Black Tourmaline to their mobile phones as it is believed to disperse the EMF that these types of phones give off and receive. Fans of Black Tourmaline find the stone to be clearing and grounding. Exposure to too much EMF can lead to headaches, disorientation and nausea, which is why having this handy crystal nearby is a good idea.

Reiki and massage therapists have found Black Tourmaline useful. After performing Reiki healing or a massage on a client, many practitioners say they feel drained because they are picking up energy from the client. Their solution is to hold a piece of Black Tourmaline crystal after a Reiki or massage session and allow any unwanted energies to be deflected away by the crystal.

If you reside in the home of a negative person, or have a negative room-mate, protect yourself with Black Tourmaline from unwanted energy by having these wonderful clearing crystals near you.

The Colourful Tourmaline Family!

Black Tourmaline is the most common colour of the tourmaline crystals. Other colours more rare, such as empowering brown tourmaline, calming pink tourmaline and mood-lifting green tourmaline, each has its own chakra alignment and crystal healing attributes. Often known as the ‘Stone of Wisdom’, tourmaline is said to promote peace, understanding and balance. Make tourmaline part of your collection today!

Black Tourmaline Crystal Pendulum
Black Tourmaline Crystal Pendulum
Tourmaline Long Drop Pendulum
Tourmaline Long Drop Pendulum
Pink Tourmaline Healing Mineral
Pink Tourmaline Healing Mineral


Crystals For The Home

Crystals are a wonderful way of decorating your home, and are said to have the added benefit of clearing your domicile of negative energy. Crystals for the home can be any size, shape, or colour – the choice is up to you and your own personal taste.  Not only will they bring colour and shine to your space, they are superb conversation pieces as well!

Crystal Hearts
Crystal Hearts

The gorgeous violet brilliance of amethyst looks wonderful in any home. It is believed to absorb negative energy and to fill the room with its own positivity. Try setting an amethyst cluster on your living room table or any room where people gather. Not only is it highly decorative it is said to clear and calm the energy of the room.

You could also consider quartz crystals for your home. Like amethyst, this is also used to bring vibrancy to the house.

As stated in our blog entitled Crystals In The Workplace, the energy of tourmalinated quartz (quartz with black tourmalene rods running through it) is said to bring both clarity and protection into one’s abode. A Selenite gypsum lamp can be used in a room where you want to keep the energy lively and is ideal for a treatment room if you work from home.

Crystal Energy at Home

If you are looking for something ornamental of a more recognisable shape, you will love our charming collection of crystal animals. If you’re an animal lover you’ll love browsing through our great range of crystal animal figures. You may also want to have a look at our sweet crystal hearts. Have them on their own, or in a line, or even filling a bowl.

A very popular little item is the energy dome. Small and discreet, they can be key areas in the home (or workplace). The benefit you want depends on the crystal you choose. Sulphur, carborundum, clear quartz, and amethyst energy domes are just a few suggestions and all are said to have clearing and calming effects on the surrounding space.

So, if your desire is to make your home beautiful, interesting, and brimming with positive energy, have a look at what CrystalAge has to offer.

Amethyst Cluster
Amethyst Cluster
Rose Quartz Crystal Duck
Rose Quartz Crystal Duck
Sulphur Energy Dome
Sulphur Energy Dome

Crystals & Feng Shui Home Tips Part 2 of 2

The art of Feng Shui is an ancient one. People have looked to it to adjust the flow of energies within their home and often practice it in conjunction with healing crystals. Crystals are well regarded as having direct effects on positive and negative energies. In the previous blog we talked about the importance of keeping energies flowing freely and ensuring that positive energies are strong within the home using crystals such as clear quartz to bring balance.


Crystals for the Home
Crystals for the Home

Feng Shui and crystals can also help create protective barriers against negativity. In these times of high stress, many people find themselves feeling that they are constantly under pressure. Like the increasing number of people who turn to crystals for positive energy, you too can try crystals to protect you from the negativity that surrounds us. Black crystals work especially well for this, as they are very grounding and are said to keep you from feeling vulnerable but you could also consider other black crystals such as smoky quartz, obsidian, and jet.

In today’s high-tech age where personal computers and mobile phones are everywhere, there now exists the ever-present danger of electromagnetic radiation (EMF). There is far more EMF in our modern world than the body is used to taking in. Crystal users often look to rose quartz as well as rutilated (or ‘Angel Hair’) quartz to have near to the PC, television set, or mobile phone. Janelle Scialla, a Master Crystal Practitioner and host of an insightful programme of videos on the subject of crystal healing, prefers to use black tourmaline and has stated ‘I have tested black tourmaline with an EMF reader. I can see that there’s a difference between the EMF reading when I’m holding it between the reader and the computer.’ Another popular choice is black tourmaline with mica, whose silvery shine is believed to reflect away negative energy.


Advocates of Feng Shui say that even the flushing of a toilet or draining of a sink can adversely affect a home’s energy. Water is very cleansing and is said to wash away energy, positive as well as negative. A crystal often selected to combat this problem is a clear quartz point. Try taping one to the U-bend of the water pipe, pointing it upwards so that you are directing the energy back into the room.

If you have a very old house, it is likely that there is a well underneath the building. Feng Shui masters believe that this creates a vortex which pulls the energy from your house down into the well, like water going down a drain. A large chunk of rose quartz is often used in such situations, since it is said to have the effect of dampening down the vortex effect completely.

Whether you wish to delve into the mysteries of Feng Shui or not, you can always look to the wonder of crystals to enhance your own energy as well as that of your home.

Rose Quartz Buddha
Rose Quartz Buddha
Obsidian Crystal Pendulum
Obsidian Crystal Pendulum
Rutilated Quartz Freeform
Rutilated Quartz Freeform


Crystals & Feng Shui Home Tips Part 1 of 2

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science, developed over 3000 years ago in China. It has been used throughout the ages to balance the energies of homes and other spaces. It is believed to assure health and good fortune. Feng Shui and crystal healing are often used hand-in-hand with the intention of creating a happier, healthier environment.

Feng Shui is all about the flow of energies. If you suspect that the energies of your house are not flowing well then stagnation will occur and you risk inviting in negativity. Is your living space a cluttered environment? Too much furniture and mess can disrupt the flow of good energies. Imagine a coloured wind moving through your home, does it flow freely or does it encounter too many obstacles? If the latter is the case, a wide range of clearing crystals can be placed around to your living space to restore balance and vitality.

The Power of Positivity

Energy should always be clear, positive, and sparkling. Clear quartz is helpful to have in various places in your home as it is said to clarify energy. Amethyst is also recommended for its calming effects and is said to work directly on people who come near to its natural aura. You can also have clusters of apophyllite – even just a simple pyramid will help keep any space clear. With all these crystals pointing in different directions they will diffuse energies, clearing and cleansing it.

Proponents of Feng Shui are familiar with so-called poison arrow chi. This refers to unwanted, intense energies that come into your home, such as very bright sunlight or wind. For sunlight, hang crystals in the window to break up the influx of energy. Geopathic stress can also occur if you have a corner of a building pointing towards your home, especially your front door. To counter this, try placing a clear quartz point in a window and angle it in the direction of the energy disruption.  The spearhead shape of a selenite healing crystal is ideal for directing energy. Placing clear quartz points in every corner of the room, pointing inwards, is often used to keep positive energy contained within a specific space.

So, if you are considering Feng Shui to bring vitality and flow to your home, look no further than’s spectacular range of crystals!

Selenite Healing Crystal
Selenite Healing Crystal
Apophyllite Crystal Cluster
Apophyllite Crystal Cluster

Clear Quartz Point
Clear Quartz Point

Crystals in the Workplace

Energies are all around us, at home, work and in the street. You don’t choose who you work with and so many employees find themselves trapped in an office environment with some highly negative people. Stress levels can be high, as can the constant exposure to the electromagnetic field (EMF) generated from your office PC. It can affect your energy, preventing positive energies from penetrating and negative energies from escaping.

Many people combat these problems with the use of crystals. The energies of crystals are believed to cleanse negativity and amplify positive vibrations.

One method to try is to take a crystal into the workplace and place it between yourself and your monitor. As well as being a striking decorative piece for your desk, it is said to absorb the harmful EMF generated by your PC . Alternatively, try wearing your crystal of choice close to your body as a shield against negative energies. Crystal earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are perfect for this.

What Crystals for the Office?

Crystals Absorb Electromagnetic Energy
Crystals Absorb Electromagnetic Energy

Knowing that crystals can help protect from electromagnetic frequencies is half the battle. But what crystals are best to use?

Black tourmaline will reflect away electromagnetic energy and protects you if you are under attack by a boss or unhappy workmate.

Rose quartz (associated with love and compassion) and Rutilated Quartz (quartz with inclusions of titanium or other ores) are said to be very useful in healing negativity. You can also have a clear quartz cluster which will help dissipate bad energies.

Amethyst will help with electromagnetic stress and looks attractive on your desk. A tumblestone is sufficient but a cluster is better for dispersing negativity.

Fans of Tourmalinated Quartz speak of its effectiveness. It is a beautiful mineral and you will enjoy having it on your desk at work. For the budget conscious, a carborundum or amethyst energy dome will do the job for a very affordable price.

So to make your working day happier and healthier, consider the amazing properties of crystals.

Tourmalinated Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz

Crystals for Stress & Anxiety

We live in a stressful society. Work, bills, debts and the economic situation all contribute to a mass of problems which clutter the mind and reduce focus. Even our day-to-day tasks at home can result in over thinking things and one’s health is inevitably affected. CrystalAge has a wide selection of crystals to help you deal with stress and anxiety.

Best Crystals to Combat Stress

Purple crystals are best associated with healing the symptoms of stress. There is Charoite, Fluorite and Amethyst.  Amethyst is the most popular of the purple crystals and is widely considered one of the most effective crystals for healing. It is known as a master healer for all systems of the body, very spiritual and aligned with the Third Eye or Brow Chakra. Amethyst is said to help you to think at your highest level and remain focused in all situations. Fans of amethyst say that it is perfect for meditation and recommend keeping an amethyst stone or two in the bedroom as they calm down the pineal gland and help adjust sleep patterns.

Staying grounded and centred is very important when dealing with people and their energies, as you don’t want them to affect you in a negative way. Black Tourmaline – also known as Schorl – is seen as one of the best crystals to protect you from negative energy, and is believed to promote a relaxed outlook and disperse tension. Did you know that many crystal users counter electromagnetic stress from office PCs by placing a piece of Black Tourmaline between themselves and their computer monitor? Try it for yourself and see how it affects your working day and mood.

Amethyst - Adjust Sleep Patterns
Amethyst - Adjust Sleep Patterns
Black Tourmaline - Disperse Tension
Black Tourmaline - Disperse Tension
Blue Tiger Eye - Relieve Stress
Blue Tiger Eye - Relieve Stress

Tiger Eye, especially Blue Tiger Eye, is known as a fantastic stone for grounding and relieving stress. Also called Falcon’s Eye, Blue Tiger Eye has been used for protection for centuries. Calming Blue Tiger Eye Palm Stones are the perfect shape to hold in the hand or to place on the body as part of your crystal healing regime.

Other de-stressing crystals to consider are Pyrite, Smokey Quartz, Jet, and Obsidian.  Blue Chalcedony and Blue Lace Agate are extremely calming stones, and hailed as effective for anyone suffering from insomnia and other sleep disturbances. CrystalAge has everything you need if you are looking to centre and de-stress your life – choose the stone that your own energy leads you to and feel the tension start melting away.