The summery uplifting Orange Calcite Crystal is an energising stone, believed to cleanse the lower chakra energy points of the body. It is said that the orange calcite crystal can balance emotions, remove fear and overcome depression. Crystal healers also say that the orange calcite crystal is good for the reproductive system, gallbladder and intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, removing mucus from the system.
Orange Calcite Crystal Attributes
Enjoying the orange calcite crystal in your home or on your person is said to bring happiness, tranquillity and good health. Crystal experts say that the orange calcite crystal aids the acquisition of wisdom, bringing warmth and energy. Calcite crystal comes in various colours besides orange including black, blue, clear, gold, green, pink, red and yellow, each with their own specific properties and attributes.
Orange Calcite Crystal Products
Orange Calcite Sitting Buddha Orange Calcite Celestial Angel
Orange Calcite Crystal Heart
Orange Calcite Crystal Tumble Stone
Orange Calcite Crystal Thai Buddha
Orange Calcite Crystal Free Form
Orange Calcite Crystal Pyramid
Orange Calcite Generator PointOrange Calcite Crystal Palm Stone
The beautiful Blue Howlite Crystal is believed to aid dream recalls, enabling you to access insights that dreams are thought to bring us. Blue Howlite Crystal is a calming stone and if placed beneath your pillow is said to be an excellent antidote to insomnia, particularly if caused by an overactive mind. Some people use the blue howlite crystal as an elixir and sip it for an hour before going to bed, whilst others use it to link into spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind for wisdom and insights.
Blue Howlite Crystal Healing
It is said that blue howlite can teach patience and help to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger, whilst putting a piece in your pocket is believed to absorb your own anger and any directed towards you. In addition to relieving insomnia, the howlite crystal is also believed to balance calcium levels within the body, helping teeth, bones and soft tissue.
Blue Howlite Crystal Jewellery
Blue Howlite Gemstone Chip BraceletBlue Howlite Crystal Necklace
The stylish Blue Tiger Eye Crystal is also known as falcon’s eye, in the Middle Ages people wore blue tiger eye crystal as an amulet against witchcraft, demons and general evil, it is still today considered a protection stone. It is said that the blue tiger eye crystal can calm and de-stress those who use it, helping us to see our future and making us less likely to have mood fluctuations.
Blue Tiger Eye Crystal Healing
It is believed that the Blue Tiger Eye Crystal can help to relieve stresses and strains, help with overanxious, quick-tempered and phobic people. Healers also believe that the blue tiger eye crystal can help to slow the metabolism, cool an overactive sex drive and dissolve sexual frustrations.
Helps with attention to detail and warns against complacency. Gold tiger eye also helps those who use it to take actions from reason rather than emotion. You can use gold tiger eye when you have tests or important meetings.
Red Tiger Eye
This is a stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and is believed to provide motivation. Red tiger eye is also said to speed up slow metabolism and increase low sex drives.
The widely popular Quartz Crystal has a unique helical spiral crystalline form, it is for this reason that it is considered by many as the most powerful healing and energy amplifier in the World. It is thought that the Quartz Crystal absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy, as well as being fantastic at unblocking it. In acupuncture, when the needles are coated in quartz they are said to be ten percent more effective than without. If you hold quartz crystal in your hand then it is said to double your biomagnetic field, protecting against radiation and dispelling static electricity.
Quartz Crystal Thumb Stone
Quartz Thumb Stone
Using this gorgeous Quartz Thumb Stone it is believed that you can relieve stress and harness the pure energy of the quartz crystal. The quartz crystal is a cleansing stone, thought to bring mental and spiritual clarity which is why many use it to meditate with. If you want to focus on new ideas or change concepts into reality then the quartz thumb stone is said to be a brilliant crystal to do this with. To use the quartz thumb stone, simply hold the crystal in the palm of your hand with your thumb sitting in the indent of the stone.
Quartz Crystal Carved Sitting Buddha Statue
Sitting Buddha
Use this sweet Quartz Crystal Carved Sitting Buddha Statue to not only decorate your home but also hopefully to bring you joy as the laughing Buddha is said to do to those around him. This Quartz Crystal Carved Sitting Buddha Statue has been handmade and features fantastic detail, showing off the great quality of the stone. Buddha statues are believed to inspire us to develop inner qualities and happiness, with the quartz crystal aiding decision making and focus. Quartz Crystal is also said to enhance and strengthen the healing properties of other crystals, directing and amplifying the energy where it is required.
The beautiful rose quartz crystal stands for unconditional love and infinite peace, making it the most important crystal in connection with the heart. It is thought that rose quartz crystal purifies and opens the heart at all levels, bringing a deep inner healing and self love. Using rose quartz crystal for calmness, reassuring and trauma or crisis is very common, people also use rose quartz crystal to attract love by placing it by their bed, or in corners of the home. If you are in an existing relationship, rose quartz crystal is believed to restore trust and harmony, encouraging unconditional love. Some use the rose quartz crystal to help with mid-life crisis, it is said to draw off negative energy, strengthen empathy and remind you of intentions and necessary change.
Rose Quartz Thumb StoneRose Quartz Medium SphereRose Quartz Angel Pendant
Rose Quartz Crystal Emotional Qualities
In an emotional sense, rose quartz crystal is considered the finest healer, it is said to release unexpressed emotions and heartache, transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, soothing unconditional pain and healing deprivation. It is believed that you can use rose quartz crystal to either open your heart to love for the first time, or comfort a broken one and teach you how to love yourself which is vital if you think yourself unlovable. With rose quartz crystal you can encourage self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth, as you cannot accept love from others or love others unless you love yourself.
Rose Quartz Crystal Heart Gift Box
Rose Quartz Crystal Massage Wand
Rose Quartz Crystal Healing
Belief has it that the rose quartz crystal strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system, releasing impurities from body fluids. You can try placing a rose quartz crystal on the thymus to aid chest and lung problems, kidneys, adrenals and vertigo. Rose quartz crystal is also said to increase fertility, soothe burns and blistering and smooth the complexion.
The uplifting Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is said to be a joyful and light-inspiring stone. If life has lost its sweetness for you then the Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is believed to be capable of restoring this, helping you to nurture yourself. Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystals are said to be lighter and more powerful than ordinary sunstone, associated with subtle bodies. If you have difficulty in saying no to people and constantly sacrifice your own needs for others, then it is believed to be helpful to carry an Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal with you at all times. From an emotional point of view it is thought that the Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is an antidepressant, lifting dark moods, detaching feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged and abandoned. Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal
Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal Attributes
• Helps us let go of feelings of failure
• Raises self worth
• Eases sadness from the past
• Mood lifting and anti-depressant
• Treats sore throats
• Relieves stomach ulcers
• Particularly useful when used in the sun
Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal Birth Signs
Aries – March 21st – Apr 20th
Leo – July 21st – Aug 21st
The Lapis Lazuli stone is a beautiful stone, believed to stimulate enlightenment and enhance dream work and psychic abilities. Lapiz Lazuli is said to be capable of releasing stress and bringing deep peace to those who use it. It is thought that the Lapis Lazuli stone is a protective one, recognising psychic attack, blocking it and returning the energy to its source. Crystal healers also believe that the Lapis Lazuli stone can teach powers of the spoken word and reverse curses and disease caused by not speaking out in the past. Any repressed anger causing difficulties in the throat or in communication is said to be released by Lapis Lazuli.
Lapis Lazuli Thumb Stone
Lapis Lazuli Thumb Stone
You can hold this vibrant blue Lapis Lazuli Thumb Stone to enjoy relieving any stress that you might be holding onto. The Lapis Lazuli Thumb Stone has been used by many ancient cultures to bring enlightenment and wisdom, known as the stone of rulers. It is thought that you can use the Lapis Lazuli Thumb Stone to combat migraine headaches, overcome depression and to help the nervous system.
Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stone
Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stone
Awaken the wonderful energy of Lapis Lazuli with these gorgeous Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stones. Tumble stones are an easy way to bring the qualities of Lapis Lazuli into your home, considered to be a relaxing stone, being the colour of the deep ocean it’s not hard to see why. Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stones can be used for spiritual development, meditation or healing and is available as a single stone, 5 pack, 10 pack or 20 pack.
The gentle soothing green of the New Jade Crystal looks great against any skin tone, it is thought to help regulate the heartbeat, increase vitality and encourage harmony in all areas. Healing wise New Jade Crystal is said to help the hips, kidneys and spleen, it is believed to be a protector and provider of prolonged life. Mentally and emotionally it is said that the New Jade Crystal can help put things into perspective, inspiring wisdom, confidence, self assurance, self reliance and self sufficiency. New Jade serpentine is said to have the same spiritual values as green jade, producing a tranquil mood simply from the colour alone, it is said to help depression, particularly when you feel stuck in a situation.
New Jade Crystal Chip Bracelet
New Jade Gemstone Chip Bracelet
This lovely New Jade Gemstone Chip Bracelet makes a lovely gift for a loved one, the polished New Jade chips have been delicately strung onto an elasticised band. People of all ages can wear this charming New Jade Gemstone Chip Bracelet, it is considered a lucky, healing and cleansing stone, said to soothe away pain and alleviate stress.
New Jade Crystal Celestial Angel
New Jade Celestial Angel
You can use this sweet New Jade Celestial Angel to not only decorate your home but also to bring calm and tranquillity to any room you place it in. This hand carved New Jade Celestial Angel can help you connect with your guardian angel it is believed, to protect us in everything we do. Each of these charming New Jade Celestial Angels have its own array of colours and patterns within them, meant to bring good luck to whoever is nearby.
It is said that the Black Tourmaline Crystal can protect you against mobile phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill-wishing and any other negative energy. The Black Tourmaline Crystal, also known as Schorl is said to promote a laid-back attitude and objective clear rational thought processes. You can use the Black Tourmaline Crystal to encourage a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances of a situation, helping you to heal from dark places. The healing qualities of the Black Tourmaline Crystal are said to defend against debilitating disease, said to strengthen the immune system, treat dyslexia, arthritis, realign the spinal column and provide pain relief.
Black Tourmaline Crystal Point Pendant
Black Tourmaline Crystal Point Pendant
This gorgeous Black Tourmaline Crystal Point Pendant is an elegant piece that can be worn to protect against negativity, also believed to dissolve tension. The Black Tourmaline Crystal Point Pendant is thought to encourage a relaxed, optimistic outlook ideal for people in stressful situations.
Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal
Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal
You can find Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal in Brazil, people use it for protection against all kinds of negativity. The Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal is the birthstone for Capricorn, believed to encourage neutrality and relaxed outlooks. Included with this fragment of Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal is a full description of its properties.
The Citrine Crystal is also known as Cairngorm and is usually yellowish brown or smoky grey brown in colour. It is widely believed by crystal experts and healers that the Citrine Crystal is a powerful cleanser and regenerator. Thought to carry the power of the sun, the Citrine Crystal is warming, energizing and highly creative according to common beliefs. Citrine Crystal is said to be a positive stone that teaches how to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity, along with success and everything good. Psychologically, Citrine is meant to raise self esteem and confidence, removing destructive tendencies and enhancing individuality and expression. The stone is also thought to promote the enjoyment of new experiences, encouraging every exploration possible until you find contentment. Mentally citrine is said to enhance concentration and revitalize the mind, great for depression, fears and phobias.
Extra Large Citrine Natural Point
Extra Large Citrine Natural Point
This gorgeous Extra Large Citrine Natural Point is thought to be one of the most useful healing stones, believed to be capable of reversing degenerative disease, stimulate digestion, the spleen and the pancreas. Kidney and bladder infections are also said to be soothed by using the citrine crystal. You can use this Extra Large Citrine Natural Point as a meditation tool, wand to direct energy or simply to bring the warmth of the citrine crystal into your home. Each of the Extra Large Citrine Natural Points are one-off items, allowing you to enjoy a completely unique item.