Use The Chrysocolla Crystal To Heal & Decorate Your Home

The Chrysocolla Crystal is a very calming stone which is said to be great with meditation and communication. If you use the Chrysocolla Crystal in the home it is said to draw off negative energies of all types. Chrysocolla Crystal is believed to help acceptance of situations which are always changing, said to make you stronger. If a relationship has become rocky, then the Chrysocolla Crystal is said to stabilize and heal the home and personal interaction. Some people use the Chrysocolla Crystal to draw out negative emotions such as guilt, to heal heartache and increase the capacity to love. Communication is another area that is believed to be improved by the Chrysocolla Crystal, in addition to helping you to keep silent when required.

Chrysocolla Crystal Howlite Crystal Egg

Chrysocolla Crystal Tumble Stones

Chrysocolla Crystal Crystal Heart

Psychological Effects of Chrysocolla Crystal

It is said that the Chrysocolla Crystal encourages self awareness and inner balance, imparting confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla Crystal is believed to enhance personal power and inspire creativity, so can be useful if you are working on something specific. Another psychological effect of the Chrysocolla Crystal is thought to be that it can help those with phobias, said to draw out negativity and supply motivation for those who lack it.

Chrysocolla Crystal Healing

You can try using the Chrysocolla Crystal to treat arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, the digestive tract, blood disorders, ulcers and lung problems. Chrysocolla is said to be able to detoxify the liver, kidneys and intestines too, making it superb for a variety of illnesses. In addition to these healing benefits, the Chrysocolla Crystal is also thought to be great at improving reoxygenation of the blood and cellular structure of the lungs, greater lung and breathing capacity, regeneration of the pancreas, regulating insulin and balancing the blood.

Other Chrysocolla Crystal Healing Benefits

• Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps
• Heals infections, particularly in the throat and tonsils
• Lowers blood pressure
• Soothes burns
• Relieves arthritic pain
• Strengthens the thyroid
• Useful for the metabolism
• Treats PMS and menstrual cramps
• Dissolves miasms

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