If you are looking for a crystal with transformation powers then you might like to try Charoite Crystal, these are considered by crystal healers to be soul stones, often used to overcome fear. Inner vision, spiritual insight and large spiritual level changes are said to be influenced when using charoite crystal. Many people use charoite crystal to help them overcome bad experiences, it is believed to help acceptance of the present moment being perfect. Some use charoite crystal to overcome stress and worries, whilst others find it useful when fighting compulsions and obsessions. Those people who find themselves driven by other people’s thoughts and programs rather than their own could also find charoite crystal help them to better become their own person.
Charoite Crystal Healing
Negative energy can be transmuted into healing when using charoite, as it is believed that charoite can convert disease into wellness. Those suffering from exhaustion can use charoite crystal to heal and regulate blood pressure as well as to treat eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. Liver damage caused by alcohol is said to be reversed by using charoite crystal, as well as cramps, aches and pains being alleviated.
Charoite Crystal Products
You can enjoy the beautiful charoite crystal in many forms such as tumble stones, massage wands, jewellery and beads.