Jasper Gemstone is known as being the “supreme nurturer” by many crystal experts, it is said that Jasper Gemstone can sustain and support us during times of stress, bringing tranquillity and wholeness into our lives. Jasper Gemstone is often used in healing and is believed to unify all aspects of a person’s life. It is also said that Jasper Gemstone reminds people to help each other in need.
Jasper Gemstone Healing
People who use Jasper Gemstone for healing believe that it supports the circulatory, digestive and sexual organs. In addition to this jasper gemstone is also said to balance mineral content of the body, thought to be useful when used as a gem elixir as this is not considered to over stimulate the body.
Blue Goldstone Crystal is a gorgeous copper speckled crystal which looks fantastic in both sunlight and artificial light. Some people think that the sparkles in the blueness represent the light that can be found in darkness, resembling the sky and reminding you to reach for the stars. You can use Blue Goldstone Crystal during meditation sessions, or carry it around with you wherever you go. Copper in itself is said to be helpful in areas of inflammation and helping to increase blood flow, this makes Blue Goldstone Crystal great for those who suffer from bad blood flow and inflammations of any kind.
Blue Goldstone Crystal Chip Bracelet
Blue Goldstone Gemstone Chip Bracelet
With this pretty Blue Goldstone Crystal Chip Bracelet you can add a casual hint to your look, whilst enjoying the subtle blue of this Goldstone bracelet. Blue Goldstone crystal is a gemstone which is associated with aiding communication and is even said to help with astral travel. Blue Goldstone Crystal has copper particles within it which create a complimentary shimmering effect when the light hits it, many crystal healers believe that the copper can generate warming pain relief.
Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone
Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone
You can use this smooth Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone to ease stress by simply holding it in your palm. The copper particles in the Blue Goldstone Crystal Palm Stone compliment the dark blue goldstone beautifully, resulting in a dazzling effect. Blue Goldstone is aligned with the throat chakra, Vishudda and is primarily used on a spiritual and astral level. In addition to using Blue Goldstone Crystal for yourself, you can also buy it as a gift for somebody else, to add to or begin a crystal collection.
With Unakite Crystal it is believed that you can balance the emotions and spirituality. Unakite Crystal is also said to provide grounding which can be very useful when meditating or carrying out psychic work. Some people use Unakite Crystal as a casting crystal for scrying, to signify where compromise and integration are required. Unakite Crystal is most commonly used with ten or twelve other suitable stones to find divinatory meanings. If you collect tumblestones then these should be kept together in a bag, then one stone can be selected at a time and a question asked, or alternatively a handful which can be cast onto a scrying wheel.
Unakite Crystal & Divinatory Meanings
The following crystals have traditional meanings associated with them, these are used to find fast answers to questions. All you do to find the divinatory meaning answers is to place all of the required crystals into a bag, focus on your question, then pick out a crystal at random. To define your answer, look up the meanings associated with that particular crystal and you will have an answer. If you happen to pull out multiple stones, then it just means you have a more complex answer, so look into the meanings of all of them.
A life change and shift in consciousness. Faithfulness in love, freedom from jealousy.
Worldly success or a pleasant surprise. Good health, wealth and long life. Particularly lucky for people connected with the land.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate
Healing is required
Black Agate
Black Agate
Needs and will find courage and prosperity
Red Agate
Red Agate
Health and longevity are yours
Unpleasant surprise, unlikely to be an illness
Red Jasper
Red Jasper
Pay attention to earthly affairs
Future growth and expansion are possible
A letter is on its way
Celestial wisdom is advising you
Diamond or Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz
Permanence. Business advancement. If the crystal loses its sparkle, betrayal
Fertility or a secret admirer. If colour pales, love is fading
New opportunities await
Needs and will find immortality and perfection
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Divine favour is yours
Be sure to clarify issues you asked about and those that arise
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Love and self-healing are needed and will come
Snow Quartz
Snow Quartz
Profound changes are coming
Power and passion, good fortune and friendship, but beware of strangers
Truth and chastity and the past will catch up with you
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian
End of challenging time
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger Eye
All is not as it appears to be
Unakite Carved Dragon
Compromise and integration
Death or endings. If the crystal lose its brilliance, an unfaithful lover
The pretty Lapis Lazuli Crystal is a gorgeous bright blue colour in its raw state which when polished up displays dark tones of fresh beautiful blues. Lapis Lazuli Crystal is said to be great at releasing stress and bringing peace deep within. Considered a protective stone, the Lapis Lazuli Crystal is believed by crystal experts to be able to contact spirit guardians, as well as blocking psychic attacks. Many people use the Lapis Lazuli Crystal to help harmonize physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, which if not balanced are thought to cause depression, disease and a feeling of lack of purpose.
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Healing
Some people use the Lapis Lazuli Crystal to alleviate pain, particularly useful for the relief of migraine headaches. It is also thought that the Lapis Lazuli Crystal can overcome hearing loss, purify blood and boost the immune system. Other healing benefits the Lapis Lazuli are said to hold are alleviation of insomnia, vertigo and ability to lower the blood pressure.
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Products
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Tumble StoneLapis Lazuli Crystal Two Stone PendantLapis Lazuli Crystal Sphere
The Amethyst Crystal has been well known for its beauty and legendary energies for thousands of years, it is often therefore used in jewellery such as the particularly lovely Crystal Heart Pendant. Since the Greek and Roman societies placed high value on Amethyst Crystal, it has been seen as a stone of royalty, often used in crowns, scepters and in bishop’s rings. A crystal heart pendant makes a romantic gift for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and Valentines Day. There are several types of crystal heart pendant products to choose from, with a gorgeous array of colours and attributes associated with each crystal.
Amethyst Silver Rim Crystal Heart Pendant
Amethyst Silver Rim Heart Pendant
This beautiful Amethyst Silver Rim Heart Pendant will stylishly add depth to any look, displaying the beauty of the amethyst crystal perfectly. The Amethyst Silver Rim Heart Pendant looks great mounted in the striking silver and you can wear it on its own or wear other amethyst jewellery such as bracelets and earrings to match.
Malachite Howlite Two Stone Crystal Heart Pendant
If you like green then you’re bound to love this striking Malachite Howlite Two Stone Crystal Heart Pendant. The Malachite Howlite Stone is considered by crystal healers to be one of the most important stones for protection against negative energies. Another believed attribute of the Malachite Crystal is that it can offer an enhanced ability to see emotional traps and where pitfalls lie, in order to avoid them. Malachite Howlite Two Stone Crystal Heart Pendant
The magnificent Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal is believed to be a very powerful healer. Pink Tourmaline Crystal is said to bring energy up from the solar plexus to the heart and beyond to the throat chakra. Crystal healers believe that the Pink Tourmaline Crystal opens, cleanses, calms and lightens the heart chakra, acting as an anti-depressant. Some people use the Pink Tourmaline Crystal to release emotions which are attached to an illness or injury.
Pink Tourmaline Crystal Healing
Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal
It is said that Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac which can attract love in the material as well as the spiritual world. Using the Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal when you have been unlucky in love could help to get trust back in love if you have lost it, encouraging you to love yourself and in turn allowing others to love you back. It is said that in healing in particular, the Pink Tourmaline can balance a dysfunctional endocrine system, as well as treating the heart, lungs and skin when placed on the heart.
Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring
Pink Tourmaline Crystal and Diamond White Gold Ring
If you want an unusual gift that can be used to treat someone special then it’s well worth checking out this Pink Tourmaline & Diamond White Gold Ring. It is believed that this pretty Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring has powerful mystical qualities to it and is said to be able to release certain emotions. The combination of diamonds with the Pink Tourmaline crystal, compliments the ring perfectly. A wonderful aspect of the Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring is that it is a one-off piece, this means that nobody else has one like it which always makes a piece of jewellery that much more special.
Many people believe that crystals possess healing properties, with each type of crystal having different attributes associated with it. A Power Bead Bracelet is a great way to not only decorate yourself and look pretty, but also to carry around either your favourite crystal or colour with you everywhere you go. Every power bead bracelet has been highly polished to best bring out the beauty of each crystal, making it a great way to brighten up an outfit. There is a great range of power bead bracelets to choose from, with crystals such as Hematite, Agate, Quartz and Calcite available. To match your crystal jewellery power bead bracelets there are also beautiful pendants, necklaces and rings to check out.
Agate Power Bead Bracelet
Agate Power Bead Bracelet
The agate crystal is traditionally a stone of protection, believed to be very versatile and great at protecting and balancing those who wear it. This gorgeous Agate Power Bead Bracelet is a stunning way to wear crystal and benefit from the believed attributes that agate has. You can find agate in many different colours and textures, with subtle neutrals to bright shades. Each of the polished beads on this Agate Power Bead Bracelet have been highly polished and shaped to bring out the full beauty of the crystal. Those whose birthdays fall under the Gemini birth sign are particularly suited to the Agate Power Bead Bracelet, making it a great birthday gift.
Howlite Power Bead Bracelet
Howlite Power Bead Bracelet
This pretty Howlite Power Bead Bracelet makes a gorgeous piece of jewellery, with an attractive marble effect running through the crystal. The Howlite Crystal is believed to provide purity and clarity to complicated situations. Some people place howlite beneath their pillow as it is a very calming stone, said to be an antidote to insomnia. Howlite Crystal is also connected to the Gemini birth sign, making it a great gift item for any occasion.
Many people use the Seraphinite Crystal for meditation, the stone is said to be closely associated with spiritual enlightenment. The Seraphinite Crystal is often used for making angelic connections as well as opening the crown and higher crown chakras (energy points of the body).
Seraphinite Crystal promotes living from the heart with a gently cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love. People who experiment with outer body experiences use the Seraphinite Crystal to protect their physical body, seraphinite is also used for reviewing life progress, identifying any necessary changes to put you on the path to peace and fulfilment.
Seraphinite Crystal Healing
The stunning Seraphinite Crystal is said to be able to activate the spinal cord and is said to be linked to the etheric body, behind the heart, many use it to release muscle tension in the neck. Other uses of the Seraphinite Crystal include overcoming chills and promoting weight loss.
The sugilite crystal is considered one of the most important ‘love stones’ said to represent spiritual love and wisdom. It is also believed that the Sugilite Crystal can teach how to live from truth and remind the soul of incarnating reasons. For those who are interested in moving into past lives or between lives, the sugilite crystal is useful in finding ways of retrieving the causes of disease. For inquisitive people who would like to know the answers the questions such as ‘Why am I here’?, ‘Where did I come from’? and ‘Who am I’? are strongly recommended to use the sugilite crystal which apparently can find the answers.
Emotionally the sugilite crystal is said to be good for bringing light to even the darkest of times, protecting the soul from shock, trauma and disappointment.
Psychologically, the sugilite crystal is said to be good for misfits, those who suffer from paranoia and schizophrenia as well as autism. It is even said that the sugilite crystal can encourage positive thoughts and reorganize brain patterns to help learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
Sugilite Crystal Healing
Crystal healers say that using the sugilite crystal is good for pain relief, clearing headaches and soothing discomfort at all levels. Many people use the sugilite crystal to help with epilepsy and motor disturbances, bringing the nerves and brain into alignment.
A heart necklace is a sweet way of showing a loved one that you care, each of these heart necklace pieces of jewellery can be adjusted in length. The wonderful thing about a heart necklace is that depending on the stone used, it has different attributes associated with it, as well as being assigned to birth signs. You can buy a heart necklace for any occasion as they are fantastic value for money and will always put a smile on someone’s face.
Protection Heart Necklace
Protection Heart Necklace
Wearing this cute Protection Heart Necklace will undoubtedly brighten your look, with the gorgeous vibrant turquoise Chrysocolla Howlite Crystal. The Chrysocolla Howlite is the birthstone for Gemini and makes an excellent birthday gift for Scorpio’s. The Protection Heart Necklace has been carved and polished to a high finish and also has an adjustable thong which makes comfort very easy indeed. In addition to lightening your look, the turquoise howlite is also said to protect, calm, heal and strengthen.
Wisdom Heart Necklace
Wisdom Heart Necklace
This pretty Wisdom Heart Necklace makes an ideal gift for family or friend, the length of the necklace can be adjusted to alter where it’s most comfortable. The Wisdom Heart Necklace is made from New Jade which represents wisdom, encourages friendship, hope and inspiration. New Jade is the birthstone for Aquarius and Libra so makes a lovely gift for those who fall under those signs.
Love Heart Necklace
Love Heart Necklace
The rose quartz crystal in this Love Heart Necklace represents love and is believed by the experts to attract love and support the broken hearted. The birth signs that are marked by the rose quartz are Libra and Taurus, several stones can represent multiple star signs meaning you can often wear several colours in regards to jewellery and clothing.