You can use the blue kyanite crystal for meditation and attunement, the tranquil crystal is said to be a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies. The blue kyanite crystal is said not to hold negativity, this means that it does not require cleaning. In addition to blue kyanite healing crystals there are also some lovely blue kyanite jewellery available.
Blue Kyanite Crystal Psychological Beliefs
The psychological effects of blue kyanite are said to encourage truth, cutting through any fears and blockages. Blue Kyanite also encourages self-expression and communication, cutting through ignorance. Other blockages that are said to be overcome by using blue kyanite are confusion, illusion, anger, frustration and stress.
Blue Kyanite Crystal Healing Stone
Blue Kyanite Crystal Healing Stone
The beautiful Blue Kyanite Crystal Healing Stone can be used to treat muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid and parathyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain. It is said that blue kyanite is a natural pain reliever, great for lowering the blood pressure and healing infections. The blue kyanite crystal is said to strengthen voice, heal the throat and the larynx. Many performers and speakers like to use the blue kyanite crystal for these reasons.
The Morganite Crystal, otherwise known as Pink Beryl, is said to attract love then maintain it. Morganite Crystal originates in Brazil and is used to encourage loving thoughts and actions, thus creating the space to enjoy life. As with all pink stones, the Morganite Crystal is said to activate and cleanse the heart chakra, calming stressful lives to be more enjoyable. Many people use the Morganite Crystal to find escape routes from seemingly trapped situations, recognise closed-mindedness and egotism which block spiritual advancement.
Believed Morganite Crystal Attributes
• Aids In Recognizing Unfulfilled Emotional Needs & Unexpressed Feelings
• Used For Dissolving Conscious & Unconscious Resistance To Healing & Transformation
• Clearing victim’s mentality whilst opening the heart to receive unconditional love & healing
The spectacular Labradorite Crystal is a beautiful grey to black stone with blue and yellow, also known as Spectrolite. Due to the iridescence of the labradorite crystal, the Labradorite is seen as a highly mystical and protective stone and a bringer of light. It is believed that the Labradorite Crystal raises consciousness and connects with universal energies, deflecting unwanted energies from the aura.
Labradorite Crystal Tumble StoneLabradorite Crystal SphereLabradorite Crystal Palm Stone
Labradorite Crystal Psychological Beliefs
It is said that the Labradorite Crystal banishes fears and insecurities as well as psychic debris from past disappointments. Labradorite Crystal is said to strengthen faith in the self and trust in the universe as well as removing others projections. The Labradorite Crystal is said to be useful for overactive minds, energizing the imagination and influencing new ideas. Those going through change might find the Labradorite Crystal useful for imparting strength and perseverance.
Labradorite Crystal Healing
Crystal healers say that the labradorite crystal can treat eye and brain disorders, relieve stress and regulate metabolism. In addition you can use the labradorite crystal to treat colds, gout, rheumatism, balancing hormones, relieving menstrual tension and lowering the blood pressure.
Labradorite Crystal Products
There are various Labradorite Crystal forms which you can enjoy the crystal such as jewellery, carved statues, generator points, crystal hearts and palm stones.
Labradorite Crystal Double PendulumsLabradorite Crystal Generator PointLabradorite Crystal One Off Pendant
The sodalite crystal is a very beautiful one, full of cosmic marbles of blues and whites. It is said that carrying sodalite crystal with you is great for calmness and communication, helping you to keep a clear mind and happy heart. Sodalite Crystal is thought to unite logic with intuition, in turn opening spiritual perception. Those who use the sodalite crystal to meditate often find it easier to understand the circumstances in which you may find yourself at any given time. Sodalite is believed to instill a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, this makes it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.
Further believed benefits of the sodalite crystal include the clearing of electromagnetic pollution and you can place it on computers to block emanations. Group work and a sense of community are thought to be improved by the sodalite crystal too, bringing harmony and solidarity of purpose, as well as stimulating trust and companionship. Sodalite Crystal is said to encourage rational thought, objectivity, truth, intuitive perception and verbalization of feelings. When the mind is in chaos it often cannot take any further information into it, due to being overloaded, however it is believed that the sodalite crystal will calm it enough to be able to do so.
In crystal healing it is believed that sodalite crystal balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies, cleanses the lymphatic system, organs and boosts the immune system. Sodalite Crystal is also said to combat radiation damage and insomnia, useful whilst working on a computer and by your bed when sleeping. In addition to all of this sodalite crystal is also said to treat the throat, vocal cords, larynx and can be useful for hoarseness and digestive disorders. Some people use the sodalite crystal for fevers, lowering blood pressure and stimulating absorption of fluid in the body.
Sodalite Crystal Products
There are various types of sodalite crystal products to enjoy, these consist of everything from jewellery, carved statues and palm stones to tumble stones and massage wands.
Sodalite Crystal Jewellery
Sodalite Crystal Power Bead BraceletSodalite Crystal Chip Necklace
Sodalite Crystal Chip Bracelet
Other Sodalite Crystal Products
Sodalite Crystal Thumb StoneSodalite Crystal Sitting Buddha StatueSodalite Crystal Sphere
The bloodstone is readily available, sourced from Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Russia and India. Appearance wise, bloodstone is green quartz, flecked with red or yellow jasper. Many believe that bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser as well as a powerful healer. It is said that bloodstone has mystical and magical properties to it, to the point where it has control over weather and with ability to banish evil and negativity. Another attribute of bloodstone is that it is said to stimulate dreaming and to have a powerful revitalizing effect, making it great for placing around you as you sleep.
Bloodstone Healing
Crystal healers say that the bloodstone is an immune stimulator for acute infections, stimulating the flow of lymph and the metabolic processes. Bloodstone is believed to benefit blood rich organs such as the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder, aiding circulation. Some people use bloodstone to help leukaemia as it is believed to support the blood and remove toxins.
Bloodstone Products
Bloodstone Tumble StonesBloodstone Thumb StoneBloodstone Long Drop Pendulum
As well as being incredibly beautiful, the blue lace agate is considered a fantastic healing stone. It is said that blue lace agate has a soft energy which is cooling and calming, bringing peace of mind to those who use it. Blue lace agate is believed to neutralize anger, infection, inflammation and fever, nurturing and supporting the body through tough times.
Blue Lace Agate Psychological Effects
It is thought by crystal healers that blue lace agate has the following psychological effects to it:
• Counteracts Repression & Suppression Stemming From Judgement & Rejection
• Helps Men Release Sensitivity & Feelings
Blue Lace Agate Healing
Healers say that the blue lace agate is a very powerful throat healer, counteracting blocked self-expression and releasing shoulder and neck problems as well as thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections. Crystal healers also believe that blue lace agate can lower fevers, remove blockages of the nervous system and treat arthritic and bone deformity.
Blue Lace Agate Products
Blue Lace Power Bead BraceletBlue Lace Chip Bracelet
The gorgeous Green Aventurine Crystal is considered a comforting stone, heart protector and healer and general harmonizer. Crystal healers believe that the Green Aventurine Crystal is useful in malignant conditions and helps to bring back control. Green Aventurine Crystal is also said to settle nausea, dissolve negative emotions and thoughts.
Green Aventurine Crystal Attributes
Said to be the stone of prosperity, green aventurine crystal is often used to grid gardens and homes against geopathic stress. You can try wearing aventurine to absorb electromagnetic smog, protecting yourself from environmental pollution. Some people even tape aventurine to their mobile/cell phone to protect against emanations. Negative situations are thought to be defused and turned around with green aventurine crystal attributes.
Green Aventurine Crystal EggAventurine Chinese DragonGreen Aventurine Deep Holder
Green Aventurine Commonly Believed Psychological Benefits
• Reinforces Leadership Qualities & Decisiveness
• Promotes Compassion & Empathy
• Encourages Perseverance
• Relieves Stammers & Severe Neuroses
• Stabilisation of the Mind
• Stimulated Perception
• Enhanced Creativity
• Calms Anger & Irritation
The summery uplifting Orange Calcite Crystal is an energising stone, believed to cleanse the lower chakra energy points of the body. It is said that the orange calcite crystal can balance emotions, remove fear and overcome depression. Crystal healers also say that the orange calcite crystal is good for the reproductive system, gallbladder and intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, removing mucus from the system.
Orange Calcite Crystal Attributes
Enjoying the orange calcite crystal in your home or on your person is said to bring happiness, tranquillity and good health. Crystal experts say that the orange calcite crystal aids the acquisition of wisdom, bringing warmth and energy. Calcite crystal comes in various colours besides orange including black, blue, clear, gold, green, pink, red and yellow, each with their own specific properties and attributes.
Orange Calcite Crystal Products
Orange Calcite Sitting Buddha Orange Calcite Celestial Angel
Orange Calcite Crystal Heart
Orange Calcite Crystal Tumble Stone
Orange Calcite Crystal Thai Buddha
Orange Calcite Crystal Free Form
Orange Calcite Crystal Pyramid
Orange Calcite Generator PointOrange Calcite Crystal Palm Stone
The beautiful Blue Howlite Crystal is believed to aid dream recalls, enabling you to access insights that dreams are thought to bring us. Blue Howlite Crystal is a calming stone and if placed beneath your pillow is said to be an excellent antidote to insomnia, particularly if caused by an overactive mind. Some people use the blue howlite crystal as an elixir and sip it for an hour before going to bed, whilst others use it to link into spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind for wisdom and insights.
Blue Howlite Crystal Healing
It is said that blue howlite can teach patience and help to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger, whilst putting a piece in your pocket is believed to absorb your own anger and any directed towards you. In addition to relieving insomnia, the howlite crystal is also believed to balance calcium levels within the body, helping teeth, bones and soft tissue.
Blue Howlite Crystal Jewellery
Blue Howlite Gemstone Chip BraceletBlue Howlite Crystal Necklace
The stylish Blue Tiger Eye Crystal is also known as falcon’s eye, in the Middle Ages people wore blue tiger eye crystal as an amulet against witchcraft, demons and general evil, it is still today considered a protection stone. It is said that the blue tiger eye crystal can calm and de-stress those who use it, helping us to see our future and making us less likely to have mood fluctuations.
Blue Tiger Eye Crystal Healing
It is believed that the Blue Tiger Eye Crystal can help to relieve stresses and strains, help with overanxious, quick-tempered and phobic people. Healers also believe that the blue tiger eye crystal can help to slow the metabolism, cool an overactive sex drive and dissolve sexual frustrations.
Helps with attention to detail and warns against complacency. Gold tiger eye also helps those who use it to take actions from reason rather than emotion. You can use gold tiger eye when you have tests or important meetings.
Red Tiger Eye
This is a stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and is believed to provide motivation. Red tiger eye is also said to speed up slow metabolism and increase low sex drives.