There is a legend of thirteen ancient crystal skulls from the Mayans lost civilization, that when united will bring universal knowledge. There are today real crystal skulls in existence that range from a few inches in diameter to life size. They are in the possession of various owners, the remainder on exhibition in the British Museum, the Smithsonian, and the Musee de l’Homme in Paris.
Believers in the supernatural consider crystal skulls to be much more than simply interesting artefacts. They look to the skulls as objects of divination, that can be used similarly to crystal balls for scrying and seeing into the future.
There is still great controversy amongst believers and sceptics as to the origins of the skulls. Believers will say that they are thousands of years old, possibly relics of lost civilizations like Atlantis. Sceptics say they are fakes, carved not much longer than a few hundred years ago.
Famous Crystal Skulls
Crystal Skulls – Ancient Wisdom?
Those who believe in the supernatural qualities of crystal skulls point to the piezoelectric properties of quartz crystal as evidence of the skulls’ power. Devotees assert that the skulls hold the history of the earth in their structure, rather like computer chips. All that is needed is the correct method of reading this information. Today, crystal skulls are very popular as ornaments and, depending on what crystal they are carved from, are said to be useful for scrying and divination.
Are the thirteen skulls true supernatural objects or are they recent fakes? It is a fact that skulls figure prominently in Mexican and Central American culture, therefore some of the skulls could indeed be ancient artefacts. Are they doorways into the past or future? Until their complex codes can be deciphered, we can only speculate.