For a relaxing and soothing crystal collection addition or beginning, try jade beads, these green jade beads are said to calm the nervous system and channel passion in constructive ways, they can also be used to harmonize dysfunctional relationships as well as of course making stunning pieces of jewellery. There are two types of jade beads that you can choose from, either the soothing new jade twist oval beads or the energizing lemon jade beads which come in facet rectangles.

Jade Beads Attributes
As with all crystals whether beaded or not, jade beads have many attributes associated to them, some of these include the following:
• Symbolises purity & serenity
• Signifies wisdom gathered in tranquillity
• Increases love and nurturing
• Keeps wearer from harm, bringing harmony
• Believed to attract good luck and friendship
Psychological Attributes
• Stabilizes personality
• Promotes self-sufficiency
• Releases negative thoughts & soothes the mind
• Stimulates ideas
Emotional Attributes
• Considered a dream stone, when placed on the forehead can be insightful
• Helps emotional releases, particularly those of irritability
Spiritual Attributes
• Can encourage you to become who you really are
• Assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being
• Awakens hidden knowledge
Physical Attributes
• Cleanses and helps the body filtrate
Jade Healing
It is said that you can use jade to treat the kidneys and supra-adrenal glands as well as to remove toxins, rebind cellular and skeletal systems and to heal stitches. Jade is also said to help fertility and childbirth, working on the hips and spleen. Some also have used jade to balance fluids within the body and the water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios.