There are some crystals that are valued for the way the look, some for their mysterious origin and some for their healing abilities. Moldavite crystal has all three and it is a fascinating stone for anyone interested in crystals and minerals. It is a glassy mineral whose colour resembles the green glass used to make bottles. For this reason it was once called Bouteillenstein by local people who did not know where it came from.
Moldavite was actually formed as the result of a giant meteorite impact approximately 15 million years ago. Most of the meteorite(s) fell over the Vltava River (called the Moldau in German) near the town of Moldauthein in the Czech Republic. The cosmic origin of moldavite crystal was first suggested by F.E. Suess, who realised that the characteristic pitted surface resembled the surface of some meteorites. Suess deduced that moldavite was a special type of meteorite, which he called tektites.
Healing Attributes of Moldavite Crystal
Moldavite has many healing attributes and it has been used as a good luck amulet stone since the Stone Age. It is aligned with a Heart chakra and believed to protect the heart on an emotional and physical level. It is highly vibrational and is said to act as a catalyst for changes in your emotional and spiritual journey through life. Moldavite is often recommended for inner journeys and it is believed to both expand the consciousness and help us to awaken to our highest destiny.