The pretty Lapis Lazuli Crystal is a gorgeous bright blue colour in its raw state which when polished up displays dark tones of fresh beautiful blues. Lapis Lazuli Crystal is said to be great at releasing stress and bringing peace deep within. Considered a protective stone, the Lapis Lazuli Crystal is believed by crystal experts to be able to contact spirit guardians, as well as blocking psychic attacks. Many people use the Lapis Lazuli Crystal to help harmonize physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, which if not balanced are thought to cause depression, disease and a feeling of lack of purpose.
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Healing
Some people use the Lapis Lazuli Crystal to alleviate pain, particularly useful for the relief of migraine headaches. It is also thought that the Lapis Lazuli Crystal can overcome hearing loss, purify blood and boost the immune system. Other healing benefits the Lapis Lazuli are said to hold are alleviation of insomnia, vertigo and ability to lower the blood pressure.
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Products
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Tumble StoneLapis Lazuli Crystal Two Stone PendantLapis Lazuli Crystal Sphere
The magnificent Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal is believed to be a very powerful healer. Pink Tourmaline Crystal is said to bring energy up from the solar plexus to the heart and beyond to the throat chakra. Crystal healers believe that the Pink Tourmaline Crystal opens, cleanses, calms and lightens the heart chakra, acting as an anti-depressant. Some people use the Pink Tourmaline Crystal to release emotions which are attached to an illness or injury.
Pink Tourmaline Crystal Healing
Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal
It is said that Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac which can attract love in the material as well as the spiritual world. Using the Pink Tourmaline Healing Crystal when you have been unlucky in love could help to get trust back in love if you have lost it, encouraging you to love yourself and in turn allowing others to love you back. It is said that in healing in particular, the Pink Tourmaline can balance a dysfunctional endocrine system, as well as treating the heart, lungs and skin when placed on the heart.
Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring
Pink Tourmaline Crystal and Diamond White Gold Ring
If you want an unusual gift that can be used to treat someone special then it’s well worth checking out this Pink Tourmaline & Diamond White Gold Ring. It is believed that this pretty Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring has powerful mystical qualities to it and is said to be able to release certain emotions. The combination of diamonds with the Pink Tourmaline crystal, compliments the ring perfectly. A wonderful aspect of the Pink Tourmaline Crystal & Diamond White Gold Ring is that it is a one-off piece, this means that nobody else has one like it which always makes a piece of jewellery that much more special.
The Chrysocolla Crystal is a very calming stone which is said to be great with meditation and communication. If you use the Chrysocolla Crystal in the home it is said to draw off negative energies of all types. Chrysocolla Crystal is believed to help acceptance of situations which are always changing, said to make you stronger. If a relationship has become rocky, then the Chrysocolla Crystal is said to stabilize and heal the home and personal interaction. Some people use the Chrysocolla Crystal to draw out negative emotions such as guilt, to heal heartache and increase the capacity to love. Communication is another area that is believed to be improved by the Chrysocolla Crystal, in addition to helping you to keep silent when required.
Chrysocolla Crystal Howlite Crystal Egg
Chrysocolla Crystal Tumble Stones
Chrysocolla Crystal Crystal Heart
Psychological Effects of Chrysocolla Crystal
It is said that the Chrysocolla Crystal encourages self awareness and inner balance, imparting confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla Crystal is believed to enhance personal power and inspire creativity, so can be useful if you are working on something specific. Another psychological effect of the Chrysocolla Crystal is thought to be that it can help those with phobias, said to draw out negativity and supply motivation for those who lack it.
Chrysocolla Crystal Healing
You can try using the Chrysocolla Crystal to treat arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, the digestive tract, blood disorders, ulcers and lung problems. Chrysocolla is said to be able to detoxify the liver, kidneys and intestines too, making it superb for a variety of illnesses. In addition to these healing benefits, the Chrysocolla Crystal is also thought to be great at improving reoxygenation of the blood and cellular structure of the lungs, greater lung and breathing capacity, regeneration of the pancreas, regulating insulin and balancing the blood.
Other Chrysocolla Crystal Healing Benefits
• Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps
• Heals infections, particularly in the throat and tonsils
• Lowers blood pressure
• Soothes burns
• Relieves arthritic pain
• Strengthens the thyroid
• Useful for the metabolism
• Treats PMS and menstrual cramps
• Dissolves miasms
People have used healing crystals for many years as an alternative medicine technique which uses crystals and stones to heal the body, mind and soul. Practitioner’s place crystals on different parts of the body based on a chakra system, this relates to energy points in the body. By placing healing crystals on a patient, the crystal healers create what is called an energy grid, within this is said to be the healing energy used to remove blockages in the aura or the body’s electromagnetic field. There are many different types of healing crystals, you can choose them by a certain attribute or by your favourite colour and they also make great gifts.
Tanzanite Healing Stone
Selenite Healing Crystal
Vanadinite Healing Crystal
Healing Crystals Chakra Colours
There are seven chakras in total and each one has a specific colour associated with it which also corresponds to the colour of relevant healing crystals. The colours go from the tail bone to the top of the head and are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When stones are used at the feet this is called grounding an individual, helping them connect with the Earth.
Healing Crystals & Tools
Often tools are used when crystal healing is taking place such as crystal wands, these are placed near the receiver’s body or close to a blocked chakra, and some even use them to perform psychic surgery which usually uses laser quartz wands. In addition to healing, the crystals can also be used for meditation and decorating accessories.
This pretty Blue Apatite Healing Stone makes a lovely gift for a junior crystal collector or general fan of healing stones. Originating from Brazil, the Blue Apatite Healing Stone has an uplifting energy associated with it, believed to encourage contentment and openness in relationships. Many healers believe that the Blue Apatite Healing Stone can connect to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
Blue Apatite Healing Stone Believed Attributes
• Uplifting
• Improves Communication
• Increases Sense Of Community
• Encourages Motivation & Liveliness
• Alleviates Pain
• Great For Teeth & Bones
• Stimulates Blood Circulation & Energy Flow
Other Blue Apatite Products
Blue Apatite Tumble Stones
20-25mm Blue Apatite Extra Grade Tumble Stone
Tumblestones are great when used to decorate the home, if you fill a glass vase or bowl with either Blue Apatite Tumble Stones or various tumblestones you will add great beauty to a room. By using a process called rock tumbling, the stones are tumbled, smoothed into shape and highly polished to best bring out the formations and colours deep within.
The Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal is a manufactured coating which is placed on quartz, the crystal is artificially bonded with gold which produces an intense colour, small points or clusters. Although the Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal is not a natural crystal, it is believed to have an intense energy associated with it that reflects the alchemical process bonding the gold onto the purity of quartz. It is also believed that the Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal can free you from limitation, allowing you to pursue future ventures. Some use Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal to release negative energy from spiritual parts of the body, eventually assisting you in reaching full potential.
60mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal75mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
65mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal Believed Healing Attributes
Protects & Safeguards Against Psychic Or Psychological Attack
Bestows Profound Peace During Meditation
Can Enhance Healing Properties Of Other Crystals
Strengthens The Thymus Gland & Immune System
Alternative Colours To Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
• Rainbow Aura
• Opal Aura
• Rose Aura
• Ruby Aura
• Sunshine Aura
• Siberian Blue Aura
The sodalite crystal is a very beautiful one, full of cosmic marbles of blues and whites. It is said that carrying sodalite crystal with you is great for calmness and communication, helping you to keep a clear mind and happy heart. Sodalite Crystal is thought to unite logic with intuition, in turn opening spiritual perception. Those who use the sodalite crystal to meditate often find it easier to understand the circumstances in which you may find yourself at any given time. Sodalite is believed to instill a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, this makes it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.
Further believed benefits of the sodalite crystal include the clearing of electromagnetic pollution and you can place it on computers to block emanations. Group work and a sense of community are thought to be improved by the sodalite crystal too, bringing harmony and solidarity of purpose, as well as stimulating trust and companionship. Sodalite Crystal is said to encourage rational thought, objectivity, truth, intuitive perception and verbalization of feelings. When the mind is in chaos it often cannot take any further information into it, due to being overloaded, however it is believed that the sodalite crystal will calm it enough to be able to do so.
In crystal healing it is believed that sodalite crystal balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies, cleanses the lymphatic system, organs and boosts the immune system. Sodalite Crystal is also said to combat radiation damage and insomnia, useful whilst working on a computer and by your bed when sleeping. In addition to all of this sodalite crystal is also said to treat the throat, vocal cords, larynx and can be useful for hoarseness and digestive disorders. Some people use the sodalite crystal for fevers, lowering blood pressure and stimulating absorption of fluid in the body.
Sodalite Crystal Products
There are various types of sodalite crystal products to enjoy, these consist of everything from jewellery, carved statues and palm stones to tumble stones and massage wands.
Sodalite Crystal Jewellery
Sodalite Crystal Power Bead BraceletSodalite Crystal Chip Necklace
Sodalite Crystal Chip Bracelet
Other Sodalite Crystal Products
Sodalite Crystal Thumb StoneSodalite Crystal Sitting Buddha StatueSodalite Crystal Sphere
The mesmerising warmth of the Amber Healing Crystal is truly stunning, the fossilized tree resin originates from Russia. Amber Healing Crystal is very much an Earth stone and is believed to be a powerful healer and cleanser removing diseases from the body and as well as promoting tissue revitalisation. Since ancient times amber has been considered a magical stone, said to bestow luck and happiness and to health issues such as joint problems.
Amber Healing Crystal
Amber Healing Crystal
This particular Amber Healing Crystal is approximately 50 million years old, which is pretty impressive and a full description of the Amber Healing Crystals properties come with the stone. Some of the most well known benefits of the Amber Healing Crystal are believed to be the uplifting of negative energy, body healing, stability, anti-depressant, anti-suicidal.
Amber and Insect
Amber and Insect
You can enjoy the beauty of ancient amber with this fine Amber & Insect specimen, beautifully presented in a clear square box. Inside the gleaming droplet of amber is a perfectly preserved insect and you also can make use of the magnification on the box to inspect the insect closer. This Amber and Insect is approximately 50 million years old, formed from the resin of extinct conifer trees. The Amber and Insect is a great gift for both adults and children alike, keeping a great piece of history alive in your own home.
26mm Silver Wrapped Teardrop Amber Pendant
Silver Wrapped Teardrop Amber Pendant
A fantastic way to keep the great benefits of Amber with you all of the time is with this 26mm Silver Wrapped Teardrop Amber Pendant. The Amber crystal is believed to be a natural antibiotic and is thought to help balance and heal the body from negative energy and illnesses. Design wise, the 26mm Silver Wrapped Teardrop Amber Pendant is a brilliant example of elegance and style. And the silver fixings look fantastic against the brightness of the amber. This gorgeous one-off piece 26mm Silver Wrapped Teardrop Amber Pendant is the exact product that you will receive.
This stunning Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal makes a great little gift as well as an interesting addition or start to a crystal collection. The Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is a happy joyful crystal, believed to improve intuition and happiness. Traditionally the Sunstone Healing Crystal is linked to benevolent Gods, luck and good fortune, so it could be a very lucky crystal to have around. The Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is great for people who struggle to say the word ‘no’ and consequently suffers sacrifices themselves. Sunstone also acts as an anti-depressant, lifting bad and angry moods and bringing light to the hour of darkness. For negative failure emotions, the Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal should help lift those and replace with enthusiasm and optimism. The Oregon Sunstone Healing Crystal is the birthstone for Aries and Leo, associated with the solar plexus and navel.
Sunstone Healing Crystal & Silver Pendant Droplet
Sunstone and Silver Gemstone Pendant
You can enjoy Sunstone in the form of this beautiful Sunstone & Silver Gemstone Pendant Droplet, to enjoy its benefits all of the time. It is said that you can see the World and the past in a better light when Sunstone is near and with the stunning silver chain and fixings this Sunstone & Silver Gemstone Pendant is a great way to do that. Hematite and Goethite are part of the colour variations in this shimmering Sunstone & Silver Gemstone Pendant Droplet which look amazing in the light. The Sunstone & Silver Gemstone Pendant Droplet is a one-off piece, the image being the exact product that you will receive, which makes it a lovely gift.
Sunstone Healing Crystal Silver Ring
Sunstone Oval Ring In Silver
Wearing this gorgeous Sunstone Healing Crystal Silver Ring you can hope to ease sadness from past events, finding the courage and strength to look positively ahead to the future. The Sunstone Healing Crystal is known World wide for its mood lifting abilities and hot lava coloured good luck appearance. This gorgeous Sunstone Healing Crystal Ring is set in glamorous sleek sterling silver, which shines in the light and brings out the colour of the Sunstone beautifully. An extra special fact about the Sunstone Healing Crystal Silver Ring is that it is a one-off piece, so what you see is exactly what you will get.
Tumble Stone comes in various crystals, each one with different colour variations and qualities which are believed to enhance the body, soul and mind. Healing is one of the most popular uses for Tumble Stone, they are also sometimes placed in vases to decorate the home. You can choose a tumble stone by birthstone if you wish, making them ideal for birthday gifts.
Green Aventurine Tumble Stone
Green Aventurine Tumble Stone
Using the rock tumbling process these Green Aventurine Tumble Stones have been made perfectly smooth with a shiny polish which brings out the full colour of the Aventurine. Green Aventurine Tumble Stone was traditionally used as a healing stone, they are now also used as a general addition to crystal collections as they are inexpensive and very beautiful to have around the house. The Green Aventurine Tumble Stone is believed to enhance self-esteem and harmony, it is used often in Feng Shui and makes a great gift.
Amazonite Tumble Stone
Amazonite Tumble Stone
These gorgeous turquoise Amazonite Tumble Stones are a lovely rounded shape and very comfortable to hold or place on pressure points. The vibrant teal colour of the Amazonite Tumble Stone displays the cheerful qualities that it possesses such as encouragement, self-determination and self-confidence. The Amazonite Tumble Stone is also thought to discourage self-destruction and victimisation. Amazonite Tumble Stone makes a great gift for a loved one as well as an uplifting ornament for the home.
Dumortierite Tumble Stone
Dumortierite Tumble Stone
Enjoy the luxurious sophistication of these Dumortierite Tumble Stones in your home, or even carry them around with you. If you don’t have any other crystals, Dumortierite Tumble Stone is a fantastic way to start a collection going. The Dumortierite Tumble Stone is believed to encourage a positive and cheerful outlook on life, helping us cope with panic and fear. It is also said that having Dumortierite Tumble Stone around can help to recognise dissolving compulsive behavioural patterns, helping with overcoming additions.