Discover the magical shine and unique energy of aura quartz. There are different varieties of aura quartz with their own attributes, making this a versatile and powerful type of crystal. At Crystal Age we have a fine selection of aura quartz as well as rare specialities such as Spirit Quartz and Faden Quartz.
Birthdays are the ideal time to buy Birthstone Crystals, Bracelets & Necklaces. The Pisces birth sign lasts from 19th February to 20th March and is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. The important crystal Amethyst is presented in a gift box making an ideal present for those born under the sign of Pisces. Each crystal used in Birthstone Bracelets and Necklaces have been chosen according to their Zodiac alignment and beauty. The properties of Amethyst Bracelets and Necklaces are believed to portray the characteristics of the Pisces sign. Birthstone Bracelets and Necklaces can be worn for special occasions or as part of everyday wear, they will brighten up your outfit nicely too as an added bonus.
Birthdays are the ideal time to buy Birthstone Crystals, Bracelets & Necklaces. The Aquarius birth sign lasts from 2oth January to 18th February and is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. The important crystal Quartz is presented in a gift box making an ideal present for those born under the sign of Aquarius. Each crystal used in Birthstone Bracelets and Necklaces have been chosen according to their Zodiac alignment and beauty. The properties of Quartz Bracelets and Necklaces are believed to portray the characteristics of the Aquarius sign. Birthstone Bracelets and Necklaces can be worn for special occasions or as part of everyday wear, they will brighten up your outfit nicely too as an added bonus.
When it comes to glamorous crystal jewellery, a quartz pendant is a lovely choice. Quartz is a beautiful crystal and it catches the light well, giving you glamorous sparkle and shine. Here at we have a wide range of quartz pendants ranging from inexpensive tumble stone pendants to beautiful quartz and sterling silver pendants like the ones below. These quartz pendants make wonderful gifts and they are a great way to bring the natural beauty of crystals into your look.
Quartz Point Pendants
Quartz points are widely used in crystal healing and they made beautiful pendants. Quartz point pendants are believed to channel healing energy and wearing one is said to help you benefit from the healing power of quartz at all times. These quartz pendants feature sterling silver motifs set with accent stones such as carnelian and peridot, which add to the style and healing power of the quartz points. They are very glamorous and really make a statement.
Amethyst and Quartz Point PendantCarnelian and Quartz Point Pendant
Peridot and Quartz Point Pendant
Gold Rutilated Quartz Pendants
Gold rutilated quartz is a particularly striking variety of quartz that contains densely packed strands of golden rutile. The colour is amazing and the strands of rutile really shine in the light. The pendants below feature gold rutilated quartz that has been cut into a star facet, which maximises the overall shine and beauty. They are set in sterling silver and make a lovely gift.
Gold Rutilated Quartz Pendant Gold Rutilated Quartz Pendant
There are hundreds of different healing crystals so I have decided to focus on two of the most popular types of healing stones: amethyst and quartz. These stones are two of the most important healing crystals and they have a wide range of healing applications. Any stone can be used for healing but here at we have a special range of healing stones to help you get started. All the stones in our Healing Crystals Selection are small and relatively inexpensive, so they are ideal for starting your collection or experimenting with new types of crystals.
Amethyst Healing Crystals
Amethyst is a beautiful crystal and it has a powerful range of healing energy. It is known as a very soothing healing crystal that can be used on almost any part of the body and spirit. Amethyst is believed to cleanse the body of ailments and soothe pain, giving your body the chance to heal. It is used to relieve pain and soothe inflammation, fever and infection. The healing power of amethyst also extends to the mind. Its soothing qualities are said to create a tranquil, spiritual environment in which spiritual development and psychic work can take place. It is powerfully aligned with Ajna Chakra and is also believed to relieve stress.
Vera Cruz Amethyst Healing CrystalDragon Egg Amethyst Healing Crystal
Green Amethyst Healing Crystal
Quartz Healing Crystals
Quartz is without question the most important of all healing crystals. It is used to channel healing energy and can also focus, amplify, store and transmit energy. Clear quartz is considered powerfully healing and cleansing but all the different varieties have their own attributes. Below are some of the most beneficial and our full range of quartz healing crystals includes some very rare and hard to find crystals.
Here at Crystal age we pride ourselves on beautiful, high quality crystals and I am pleased to announce our new range of unique crystal balls. We now have over fifty-one off crystal balls, each selected for its fine crystal and exclusive providence. In this post I am going to feature a couple of my personal favourites, but to browse the whole range I recommend visiting our unique crystal balls page. Crystal balls can be used in many ways and they are beautiful objects. Polished crystal balls have traditionally been used for scrying and clairvoyance. The best crystals for this are usually quartz and obsidian. They are also ideal for crystal healing and mineral collecting. One advantage of using crystal balls in healing is that a sphere radiates energy equally in all directions, enhancing its ability to affect a space or person.
Blue Apatite Crystal Ball – 5.5cm
Blue Apatite Crystal Ball
This blue apatite crystal ball is a very arresting piece. It has a beautiful range of teal blue tones, from a deep ocean blue to soft turquoise and sky blue. There is white veining around the whole of the sphere, in a way that is both attractive and typical for this variety of apatite. Given blue apatite’s associating with communication and spiritual guidance, I think this crystal ball would be ideal for a healing or meditation space. You could use it for specific healing and meditation or simply place it in your healing space and allow its energies to fill the room.
Chevron Amethyst Crystal Ball – 4.5cm
Chevron Amethyst Crystal Ball
The dramatic markings of this chevron amethyst crystal ball make it a very attractive piece. It displays excellent white chevron markings almost all the way around the circumference of the sphere. The areas of pale and dark purple crystal contrast dramatically, giving you a beautiful and very eye catching crystal ball. As one of the most powerful Third Eye stones, chevron amethyst is ideal for meditation, spiritual progression and healing work. At just £24.99, this chevron amethyst crystal ball is an affordable way to enhance your spiritual practice or just bring a little soothing contemplative energy into your life.
Rutilated Quartz Crystal Ball – 17.5cm
Rutilated Quartz Crystal Ball
This rutilated quartz crystal ball is a truly remarkable piece. It contains an unprecedented concentration of silver and gold rutile and the effect is very beautiful. When you rotate this crystal ball the rutile shimmers and sparkles, creating little glimmers that shoot across the surface of the crystal. If you have any interest at all in rutilated quartz I recommend clicking on the image to see a display video of this sphere. As well as being very attractive, the concentration of rutile gives this crystal sphere excellent healing energy. Like all rutilated quartz, this sphere is ideal for combating depression. It is perfect for those wishing to align the crown and solar plexus chakras and is a wonderful addition to any crystal healing practice.
If you’ve never come across crystal skulls before then you really should check them out, they are not only fantastic ornaments generally but also especially for occasions such as Halloween, helping to create the perfect atmosphere. Many people use crystal skulls for healing and they are also believed by crystal healers to ward off negative energy. The beautifully made crystal skulls have been skilfully carved from a range of different crystals, so you can choose your favourite or even buy multiple crystal skulls to place each end of a fireplace, mantelpiece or shelf. Crystal Skulls make superb gifts too, for a variety of people and their association with ancient wisdom makes them an attractive piece to add to any crystal collection.
4.5cm Black Obsidian Crystal Skulls
Black Obsidian Crystal Skulls
The eye-catching shine of this highly polished 4.5cm Black Obsidian Crystal Skull will add vitality to any space, there are no boundaries or limitations to obsidian it is said, making it a very powerful crystal. You can use this glossy obsidian crystal skull for healing, revealing deep insight and reasoning behind issues that need resolving, or into cause of disease. It is also said that obsidian crystal can reduce the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries.
60mm Citrine Crystal Skull
60mm Citrine Crystal Skull
For a softer tone in your home, use this exceptional 60mm Citrine Crystal Skull which protrudes the light through it fantastically. The 60mm Citrine Crystal Skull looks particularly great when placed near to a light source. Citrine is believed to be an optimistic crystal, associated with the warmth and energy of the sun, many use it to stimulate creativity, independence and abundance. This stunning citrine crystal skull is a one-off piece, allowing you to enjoy an extra special crystal that nobody else can.
Crystal experts say that Quartz Beads and crystals in general are one of the most powerful there are, in terms of healing and amplifying energy. Quartz Beads are made from a unique helical spiral crystalline form, said to absorb, store, release and regulate energy, it’s also belived to be an excellent unblocker of energy. Many acupucture needles are coated in quartz, to magnify the effects by ten percent. Clear quartz beads contain every colour possible and using them is said to raise energy to the highest possible level and enhance psychic abilities and attunes to spiritual purpose.
Quartz Beads Healing
Many people use quartz due to its broad beneficial healing properties, it is said that quartz can be used to heal any condition. You can use quartz to stimulate the immune system and to bring the body into a balanced state. Burns can be soothed with quartz and all of the chakras or energy points in the body harmonize.
The Crystal Ball is believed by many people to be an aid to clairvoyance, otherwise known as a shew stone. Celtic tribes, namely the Druids priesthood were one of the earliest peoples to use the crystal ball. After the druids who were known to exist as early as 2000 BC, seers, wizards, sorcerers and other types of fortune tellers used the crystal ball to see into the past, present and future. There are many types of crystal ball available, with each having specific attributes according to which type of crystal it is.
Amethyst Medium Crystal Ball
Medium Amethyst Crystal Sphere
This marble effect Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere is a beautiful crystal accessory to have around the house, believed to contain a soothing energy which is said to help with healing. The high polished finish of the Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere will add beauty to any room you place it in, the amethyst medium crystal sphere is considered to be spiritually helpful for development and releasing emotional trauma, unhealthy thoughts and behaviour patterns. As the Amethyst Medium Crystal Sphere is circular, energy is thought to be able to be released in all directions.
35mm Quartz Crystal Ball
35mm Quartz Crystal Ball
Another way to enjoy the stunning magic and aesthetic beauty of a crystal ball is with this pretty 35mm Quartz Crystal Ball. It is thought that with this gorgeous crystal you can see the past, present and future, simply by gazing into it, this has been practised since 2000 B.C, said to have originated from the Celtic druids. The practice of looking into the past, present and future in this way is called Crystallomancy, often used to bring concepts into focus. Also said to cleanse the mind and spirit the Quartz Crystal Ball is believed to channel energy and reveal the truth in all.
The Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal is a manufactured coating which is placed on quartz, the crystal is artificially bonded with gold which produces an intense colour, small points or clusters. Although the Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal is not a natural crystal, it is believed to have an intense energy associated with it that reflects the alchemical process bonding the gold onto the purity of quartz. It is also believed that the Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal can free you from limitation, allowing you to pursue future ventures. Some use Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal to release negative energy from spiritual parts of the body, eventually assisting you in reaching full potential.
60mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal75mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
65mm Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal Believed Healing Attributes
Protects & Safeguards Against Psychic Or Psychological Attack
Bestows Profound Peace During Meditation
Can Enhance Healing Properties Of Other Crystals
Strengthens The Thymus Gland & Immune System
Alternative Colours To Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal
• Rainbow Aura
• Opal Aura
• Rose Aura
• Ruby Aura
• Sunshine Aura
• Siberian Blue Aura