We have just added rare Shattuckite Polished Tumblestones. Each piece individually photographed so that you can choose your favourite stone.
Speciality Tumblestones
Discover a world of beautiful crystals with our speciality tumblestones. These tumblestones feature rare and hard to find crystals that are ideal for collecting or crystal healing. These stones have been created by tumble-polishing natural crystal pebbles. The result is a bright polish and tactile shape that really shows off the colour and structure of the stone. We also have a huge choice of standard tumblestones and drilled tumblestones that can be hung on a cord.
Many crystals form alongside others but one of the most attractive crystal amalgamations is lapis lazuli and malachite. Both malachite and lapis lazuli have beautiful colours and when they form together the results can be stunning. Seen in the examples below, lapis lazuli is a bright blue stone while malachite is a lovely vibrant green. Both lapis lazuli and malachite have been prized for thousands of years and used as important decorative stones.
These stones are also highly complimentary in terms of crystal healing. Malachite is a goddess stone and a stone of transformation. It is said to help us make positive changes and give pain relief from injuries, arthritis, period pain and childbirth. Lapis lazuli was called the ‘Stone of Rulers’ by the Ancient Egyptians. It is believed to protect, inspiration, wisdom and truth.
Lapis Lazuli and Malachite Tumble Stones
These lapis and malachite tumble stones are a lovely way to enjoy the beauty of the crystals. They really shine with colour and look very attractive placed around the home. These tumble stones are 20-25mm in size so you can take them anywhere with you. You could also focus on one during meditation or place them on the skin during crystal healing.
Lapis Lazuli and Malachite Palm Stone
Palm stones make it easy to access the power of a crystal. This lapis lazuli and malachite palm stone measures 5cm x 7cm. It fits in the palm of your hand so it is perfect for focusing on during meditation and healing work. Palm stones make pretty ornaments and great gifts for anyone interested in crystals.
If you are looking for a crystal with transformation powers then you might like to try Charoite Crystal, these are considered by crystal healers to be soul stones, often used to overcome fear. Inner vision, spiritual insight and large spiritual level changes are said to be influenced when using charoite crystal. Many people use charoite crystal to help them overcome bad experiences, it is believed to help acceptance of the present moment being perfect. Some use charoite crystal to overcome stress and worries, whilst others find it useful when fighting compulsions and obsessions. Those people who find themselves driven by other people’s thoughts and programs rather than their own could also find charoite crystal help them to better become their own person.
Charoite Crystal Healing
Negative energy can be transmuted into healing when using charoite, as it is believed that charoite can convert disease into wellness. Those suffering from exhaustion can use charoite crystal to heal and regulate blood pressure as well as to treat eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. Liver damage caused by alcohol is said to be reversed by using charoite crystal, as well as cramps, aches and pains being alleviated.
Charoite Crystal Products
You can enjoy the beautiful charoite crystal in many forms such as tumble stones, massage wands, jewellery and beads.
Charoite Tumble Stones31mm Chariote and Silver PendantRound Charoite Beads
If you are looking for a crystal, which is believed to have a powerful filtering action then amazonite is the one to go for. Amazonite is said to block geopathic stress on a physical level, whilst absorbing microwaves and cell phone emanations. If you place a piece of amazonite between you and the source of pollution, or even tape it to your cell phone, this should protect you. Mentally it is said that amazonite filters the information, which passes through the brain and then combines it with intuition.
As all of the turquoise coloured crystals are, amazonite is a very soothing and tranquil crystal to have around, calming the brain and nervous system.
Amazonite Healing
People use amazonite to heal and open the heart and throat chakras, this enhances loving communication. Crystal healers use amazonite for healing osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency and for balancing the metabolism.
Amazonite Jewellery
There are many gorgeous amazonite pendants that you can buy, each displaying the beautiful and rich green and blue tones. Wearing an amazonite pendant could lift sadness, aid self-confidence and protect you from electromagnetic stress. Many of the amazonite pendants are one-off pieces, making them perfect for buying as a gift for someone special.
32mm Thick Oval Amazonite and Silver Pendant35mm Rounded Trapezium Amazonite and Silver Pendant
If you want tumblestones that really stand out and add vibrancy to your home then look no further than cats eye tumble stone, these gorgeous stones have an iridescent glow to them hence where the name comes from. What’s more by having cat eye tumble stone nearby it is said to offer you insight and understanding. You can enjoy cat eye tumble stone in various colours, or buy several, which compliment each other. Having cats eye tumble stone in the home brings you the beauty of rocks, minerals and gemstones in a smoothed and polished state.
Cats Eye Tumble Stone Polishing
Many crystals including cat’s eye tumble stone are polished to bring out their full beauty and detail of crystal formation. The practice of polishing crystals has been carried out for thousands of years, associated with spiritual and healing properties.
Turquoise is considered a very important crystal and you can use turquoise beads in jewellery making, healing and simply decorating your home and accessories. Crystal healers say that turquoise is the most efficient healer, being beneficial to the spirit and body. Turquoise Beads and other forms of the crystal have been used for many years as a protective stone, as well as for making amulets due to the stunning bright colour.
Turquoise Beads Psychological Effects
Many use turquoise for its strength, it is said to dissolve martyred attitudes and self-sabotage which could be crucial in helping those who suffer from these issues. Turquoise can help to restore inner calm, whilst keeping you alert to danger, it is also believed to help people express themselves creatively. In an emotional sense turquoise has been used in the past to control mood swings as well as to stimulate romance and love.
Turquoise Beads Physical Effects
If you are exhausted, depressed, or suffer with panic attacks then you could find turquoise to help with it. One of the many protective functions of turquoise is said to be against outside influences and pollutants in the atmosphere.
10mm China Turquoise BeadsMini China Turquoise Beads
Tiger Eye is considered a very special crystal as it is said to enhance psychic abilities in earthly people and to balance the lower chakras, this is probably why tiger eye beads are very popular. Many people like to make jewellery from tiger eye beads, transforming them into bracelets, necklaces or earrings to brighten up their outfits whilst enjoying the benefits they are said to bring those close to them. Tiger Eye Beads are protective, stemming from the tradition of carrying the stone as a talisman against ill wishing and curses.
Tiger Eye Beads Mental Healing
Crystal healers say that tiger eye integrates the hemispheres of the brain, enhancing practical perception. Many people use tiger eye to collect scattered information, helping them make a coherent whole. Tiger eye beads can also be used to help resolve dilemmas and internal conflicts, particularly those caused by pride and wilfulness.
Tiger Eye Beads Psychological Benefits
The brownish yellow tiger eye beads, which also come in turquoise are also believed by some to heal issues of self worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity.
Rhodochrosite Crystal is said to represent selfless love and compassion which makes it a lovely crystal to buy in the form of Rhodochrosite Beads. You can either make items of jewellery with rhodochrosite beads, place them around the home, or take them with you in your bag or pocket wherever you go. Crystal healers say that rhodochrosite Beads expand consciousness, whilst integrating spiritual and material energies. Many people use rhodochrosite beads to help their heart and relationships, particularly those who feel unloved. People who have been sexually abused could find rhodochrosite beads and other forms of the crystal helpful in healing and it can also attract a soul mate, it is said that soul mates teach us lessons in life but beware these are not always pleasant experiences. Many people also use rhodochrosite beads to teach their hearts to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down, it also is said to remove forms of denial.
Rhodochrosite Beads Formation
For a crystal that is naturally banded, rhodochrosite is an excellent example, it often has curved bands which are displayed throughout each bead. Due to the warming colour of rhodochrosite beads, the formation is displayed beautifully and uplifts the senses in an instant. You can wear rhodochrosite beads if you are into jewellery making, or alternatively use them around the home to keep near you in times of trouble.
Rhodochrosite Beads Products
20mm Tumble Stone Rhodochrosite Beads
20mm Rhodochrosite Beads
These fabulous 20mm rhodochrosite beads have lovely red and orange tones and each bead varies in shape slightly, displaying the pink banded structure of the beads. You will receive the 20mm tumble stone rhodochrosite beads on a temporary 16″/40cm string, great for getting you started on a piece of jewellery or ornament item.
25mm Tumble Stone Rhodochrosite Beads
25mm Rhodochrosite Beads
The larger 25mm tumble stone rhodochrosite beads show an even larger surface area of the warming crystal and helps to brighten up your look or home with a comforting tone. Each 25m tumble stone has been polished to a glossy finish and combines pinks with orange and red, complimenting all skin tones beautifully. These gorgeous 25mm tumble stone rhodochrosite beads make excellent gifts for any occasion as well as a lovely addition or start to a crystal collection.
Use these pretty citrine beads to brighten up your environment, de-stress and even to make great pieces of jewellery if you like. There are many citrine beads to choose from such as round, natural and tumble beads. Many attributes are associated with citrine beads, for example the warmth of the sun from the colouring of citrine, it is said to be a regenerator and cleanser. It is also said that citrine beads or any other type of citrine can act as an early warning sign. Citrine is seen as a happy and generous stone, encouraging sharing what you have with others.
Citrine Beads Healing
You can also use citrine beads for healing, it is said to be a fantastic stone for reversing degenerative diseases, stimulating digestion, the spleen and the pancreas. Many people also use citrine to remove infections in the kidney and bladed, help eye problems, increase blood circulation and detoxify the blood.
Using these gorgeous aventurine beads you can de-stress or make jewellery, the pretty beads have been tumbled so feel smooth to touch. Due to the calming tranquil colour of these aventurine beads they could have a soothing effect on you, with each bead a slightly different shape to the last. It is widely believed that aventurine crystal brings harmony and balance into lives, both to groups and individual lives. These aventurine beads are provided on a temporary 16″ string, ready for use.
Green Aventurine Beads
Green Aventurine Tumble Stone Beads
Aventurine Beads Attributes
Crystal healers say that aventurine crystal is a very positive stone, with a strong connection to the devic kingdom which is a realm where devas or elementals are thought to reside. It is also believed that by wearing aventurine beads absorbs electromagnetic smog, protecting against environmental pollution. If you tape some aventurine to a mobile phone, it is said to protect you from the emanations. In addition to these great attributes, aventurine is also said to turn negative situations around, diffusing negativity.
Aventurine Beads Healing
As many people use crystals for healing, you might like to know the healing qualities of aventurine and how using aventurine beads can help you. It is said that aventurine helps the thymus gland, connective tissue and the nervous system, balancing the blood pressure and stimulating metabolism. It has also been claimed that aventurine can prevent arteriosclerosis and heart attacks, making it well worth while testing out for yourself. Migraine headaches, eyes and the skin could also be helped by using aventurine as well as the lungs, adrenals, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.