The stunning Mookaite Crystal is actually the Australian form of Jasper, it is said by healers that the Mookaite Crystal imparts a desire for new experiences and a deep calm for which to face them. Many people use the Mookaite Crystal to encourage versatility, to point out all available possibilities in a given situation and assistance in choosing the right one. Mookaite Crystal is considered a physically stabilizing stone which fortifies the immune system, heals wounds and purifies the blood. There are various forms of Mookaite Crystal that you can use in and around the home such as thumb stones, crystal spheres, massage wands, free form and pyramids.
Mookaite Crystal Thumb Stone
Mookaite Crystal Thumb Stone
You can use this Mookaite Crystal Thumb Stone to relieve stress and harness the power that the Mookaite Crystal is believed to have. When you feel stressed it is thought that if you simply hold this Mookaite Crystal Thumb Stone you will soon start to feel much better. Using the Mookaite Crystal Thumb Stone is believed to give the user strength, inner calm and a thirst for adventure.
The unusual Atlantisite Crystal is a colourful combination of green Serpentine and purple Stichtite. Crystal experts say that the Atlantisite Crystal can assist those who have misused spiritual powers in ancient civilizations, helping to recognize the right use of power and spiritual empowerment.
Psychologically the Atlantisite Crystal is said to lower stress levels and encourages people to think before they speak. Some people use the Atlantisite Crystal to encourage children to change inappropriate behaviour and to help break away from poor choices they’ve made in the past. Healing old wounds is crucial for moving on in your life after a traumatic experience, so anybody who struggles with this may find the Atlantisite Crystal useful in finding optimism that may have been previously destroyed.
Atlantisite Crystal Environmental Aspects
It is believed that the Atlantisite Crystal is a useful Earth healer, bringing peace to the environment and clearing places where there has been death or destruction.
Atlantisite Crystal Healing
Crystal healers use the Atlantisite Crystal to improve cellular memory, to help with stress, blood disorders, hypoglycaemia and diabetes.
Atlantisite Crystal Products
Atlantisite Palm StoneAtlantisite Tumble StoneAtlantisite Thumb Stone
The beautiful violet Hypersthene Crystal or otherwise known as Labradorite is said to have a gentle grounding, protecting and strengthening energy to it. Crystal experts say that the Hypersthene Crystal can provoke a powerful cathartic detox of negative energy as well as making you face your deepest fears. Hypersthene Crystal comes in many forms such as palm stones, tumble stones and thumb stones.
Hypersthene Crystal Palm Stone
Hypersthene Crystal Palm Stone
Holding the Hypersthene Crystal Palm Stone is very comfortable due to the smooth polished finish it has. Many people use the Hypersthene Crystal Palm Stone to help them to feel at ease in social situations. Self esteem and expression of the emotions is also said to be helped by using the Hypersthene Crystal. The birth sign for the Hypersthene Crystal is Aries, so for anybody whose birthday falls between March 21st and April 20th are particularly suited to the crystal.
20-25mm Hypersthene Tumble Stone
Hypersthene Crystal Tumble Stone
You can use these shiny Hypersthene Crystal Tumble Stones to either decorate your home by placing them into a vase, or to enjoy the healing benefits that they are thought to withhold. With tumblestones you can enjoy the beauty of these gemstones which can be difficult to appreciate in their natural form. Using a method called rock tumbling, is a long process of smoothing and polishing, to best reveal the full beauty of these gorgeous treasures often hidden deep underground.
Hypersthene Crystal Thumb Stone
Hypersthene Crystal Thumb Stone
These stunning Hypersthene Crystal Thumb Stones can be used to harness the positive energy that they are believed to hold. For those who often feel stressed or nervous, the Hypersthene Crystal Thumb Stone can be very beneficial, simply hold the thumb stone and worries are said to float away.
The sugilite crystal is considered one of the most important ‘love stones’ said to represent spiritual love and wisdom. It is also believed that the Sugilite Crystal can teach how to live from truth and remind the soul of incarnating reasons. For those who are interested in moving into past lives or between lives, the sugilite crystal is useful in finding ways of retrieving the causes of disease. For inquisitive people who would like to know the answers the questions such as ‘Why am I here’?, ‘Where did I come from’? and ‘Who am I’? are strongly recommended to use the sugilite crystal which apparently can find the answers.
Emotionally the sugilite crystal is said to be good for bringing light to even the darkest of times, protecting the soul from shock, trauma and disappointment.
Psychologically, the sugilite crystal is said to be good for misfits, those who suffer from paranoia and schizophrenia as well as autism. It is even said that the sugilite crystal can encourage positive thoughts and reorganize brain patterns to help learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
Sugilite Crystal Healing
Crystal healers say that using the sugilite crystal is good for pain relief, clearing headaches and soothing discomfort at all levels. Many people use the sugilite crystal to help with epilepsy and motor disturbances, bringing the nerves and brain into alignment.
A heart necklace is a sweet way of showing a loved one that you care, each of these heart necklace pieces of jewellery can be adjusted in length. The wonderful thing about a heart necklace is that depending on the stone used, it has different attributes associated with it, as well as being assigned to birth signs. You can buy a heart necklace for any occasion as they are fantastic value for money and will always put a smile on someone’s face.
Protection Heart Necklace
Protection Heart Necklace
Wearing this cute Protection Heart Necklace will undoubtedly brighten your look, with the gorgeous vibrant turquoise Chrysocolla Howlite Crystal. The Chrysocolla Howlite is the birthstone for Gemini and makes an excellent birthday gift for Scorpio’s. The Protection Heart Necklace has been carved and polished to a high finish and also has an adjustable thong which makes comfort very easy indeed. In addition to lightening your look, the turquoise howlite is also said to protect, calm, heal and strengthen.
Wisdom Heart Necklace
Wisdom Heart Necklace
This pretty Wisdom Heart Necklace makes an ideal gift for family or friend, the length of the necklace can be adjusted to alter where it’s most comfortable. The Wisdom Heart Necklace is made from New Jade which represents wisdom, encourages friendship, hope and inspiration. New Jade is the birthstone for Aquarius and Libra so makes a lovely gift for those who fall under those signs.
Love Heart Necklace
Love Heart Necklace
The rose quartz crystal in this Love Heart Necklace represents love and is believed by the experts to attract love and support the broken hearted. The birth signs that are marked by the rose quartz are Libra and Taurus, several stones can represent multiple star signs meaning you can often wear several colours in regards to jewellery and clothing.
The fascinating Unakite Crystal is considered by crystal healers to be a stone of vision, balancing emotions and spirituality. It is believed that the Unakite Crystal can open the third eye which is said to be in invisible energy point between the eyes, promote visualization and aid psychic vision. Some also think that the Unakite Crystal facilitates rebirth, bringing to light and integrating insights from the past, addressing blockages and releasing conditions which inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.
In crystal healing, the Unakite Crystal is said to be helpful in past-life healing, helping you go back to the source of a problem and reframing it. Many use the Unakite Crystal in the support of convalescence, as well as recovering from major illnesses. Other healing benefits of Unakite Crystal include treating the reproductive system, stimulating weight gain where required and helping healthy pregnancies.
Unakite Crystal Generator Point
Unakite Generator Point
Using this pretty Unakite Crystal Generator Point it is said that you can cleanse away physical and mental toxins. Associated with pregnancy and even used for fertility help, the Unakite Crystal is a very beautiful stone to look at, featuring a great colour range of pure quartz, green epidote and pink feldspars. This Unakite Crystal Generator Point can be placed in a room to release energy as well as given to a loved one as a gift.
Unakite Crystal Heart
Unakite Crystal Heart
Show somebody how much you love them with this gorgeous Unakite Crystal Heart, the stunning heart beautifully displays the unique formation and colours of Unakite. Unakite Crystal is the birth sign for Scorpio, so makes an excellent gift for those born between 23rd October and 22nd November.
This pretty Blue Apatite Healing Stone makes a lovely gift for a junior crystal collector or general fan of healing stones. Originating from Brazil, the Blue Apatite Healing Stone has an uplifting energy associated with it, believed to encourage contentment and openness in relationships. Many healers believe that the Blue Apatite Healing Stone can connect to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
Blue Apatite Healing Stone Believed Attributes
• Uplifting
• Improves Communication
• Increases Sense Of Community
• Encourages Motivation & Liveliness
• Alleviates Pain
• Great For Teeth & Bones
• Stimulates Blood Circulation & Energy Flow
Other Blue Apatite Products
Blue Apatite Tumble Stones
20-25mm Blue Apatite Extra Grade Tumble Stone
Tumblestones are great when used to decorate the home, if you fill a glass vase or bowl with either Blue Apatite Tumble Stones or various tumblestones you will add great beauty to a room. By using a process called rock tumbling, the stones are tumbled, smoothed into shape and highly polished to best bring out the formations and colours deep within.
Attributes of the Opal Crystal include enhancing cosmic consciousness and inducing psychic and mystical visions. It is also believed that the Opal Crystal stimulates uniqueness and dynamic creativity. Apparently the opal crystal is capable of picking up thoughts and feelings, then amplifying them and returning them to the source.
The psychological effects of opal crystal include the amplifying of traits and brining characteristics to the surface for transformation. Crystal experts also say that the opal crystal can enhance self worth and help you reach your full potential.
Emotionally the opal crystal is associated with love, passion, desire and eroticism, the seductive traits of the stone are said to intensify these emotional qualities.
Healing Fire Opal Crystal
Fire Opal Healing Crystal
The Fire Opal Crystal is an orangey red stone which is said to enhance personal power, awaken inner fire and protect against danger. Many also believe that the Fire Opal Crystal is a symbol of hope which is useful in business and as an energy amplifier. Other beliefs are that the fire opal crystal facilitates change and progress, often used when there are mistreatments or injustice. Fire Opal Crystal is said to be very good for letting go of grief and the past in general.
Having a sample of this gorgeous Fire Opal Healing Crystal will brighten up any crystal collection. With pretty rainbow sparkles, the fire opal healing stone is believed to stimulate new growth and ideas. The Fire Opal Healing Crystal is also said to encourage spontaneity and restore passion into those lives it has left.
Yellow Opal Crystal Tumble Stones
Yellow Opal Crystal Tumble Stones
Use these stunning Yellow Opal Tumble Stones to brighten up your home and enjoy the benefits that they are said to hold. With the combination of healing powers and purity of all opal varieties, the yellow opal tumble stones are said to be able to fight infection and help the body to heal at the same time as removing energy blocks.
Each of the Yellow Opal Tumble Stones have been highly polished after they have been tumbled into shape, this brings out the full colours of the crystal beautifully. You can hold the yellow opal tumble stones in your hand carry it around with you or place it in a jar for decoration purposes.
The beautiful Apophyllite Crystal has a very high water content, this makes it an efficient conductor of energy and it is widely believed that it’s presence in a room enhances energy due to it being a powerful vibrational transmitter. A conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms is said to be created by the Apophyllite Crystal too, enhancing clear sight and stimulating intuition.
Apophyllite Crystal Cluster Gift BoxApophyllite ClusterApophyllite Healing Crystal
Apophyllite Crystal Psychological Beliefs
When it comes to psychological effects of the apophyllite crystal it is said that introspection into one’s own behaviour is promoted, as well as the correction of imbalances or flaws. Mental concepts of the apophyllite crystal suggest that is has a calming effect and is as a result an excellent stress reliever, releasing mental blockages and negative thought patterns.
Apophyllite Crystal Healing
Using the apophyllite crystal in healing is said to put you into a deep state of relaxation and receptiveness, at the same time as taking the healer out of the way to give the patient a purer energy. It is believed that the apophyllite crystal works very well on the respiratory system when held to the chest, rumoured to also stop asthma attacks. Apophyllite crystal neutralizes allergies and promotes regeneration of the mucus membranes and skin.
As part of the New Age crystals, the Petalite Crystal is also known as the Angel Stone, this is due to the belief it enhances an angelic connection. The Petalite Crystal is considered a protective stone which is often used for meditation and attunement. Crystal healers believe that petalite crystal is great for ancestral and family healing, reaching back to a time before any particular dysfunction arose. It is said that even a tiny piece of petalite is potent when used as an elixir, many use this to release negative karma and to clear entities from the aura or mental body.
Petalite Crystal Healing
The Petalite Crystal is believed to harmonize the endocrine system, activating the triple-burner meridian. Petalite Crystal is said to be useful in treating diseases such as AIDS and cancer, as well as benefiting the cells, eyes, lungs, muscular spasms and intestines.
Petalite Crystal Colours
• Pink – This is said to clear the heart meridian and emotional baggage. Strenghtening the emotional body and releasing fear and worry.
• Clear – Is believed to render negative energies impotent. It is also said that clear petalite can clear implants, miasmas and negative karma.